I wrote this to you Maharaj on 27/12/05 @ 6:12 pm....
I feel so down so distant so depressed
From you, family, from life
I have nothing to smile about
But you have blessed me with so much
Marriage is such a hot topic
Guru Angad Dev ji says real marriage is to God himself
Real marriage is to unite with the almighty
I ask for just your simran

My hands are folded I only want your name
As the New Year approaches, time slips out of my hands
Please support me on this path
Bless me with your grace and never leave me Maharaj
Now realising what I wrote last year, I realise I am held back by fear. I am scared. Scared of being lost in Keertan, lost in Simran. But at the same time i hear the vibration of your name...WAHEGURU...WAHEGURU.....TUHI TUHI....TUHI TUHI....
The vibration I heard on Wednesday night...with the sadh sangat....I feel blessed. I Thank You Maharaj.
Guru Ji, you said this in the Hukamnama this morning from Darbar Sahib:
"Jagat agi-aanee anDh hai doojai bhaa-ay karam kamaa-ay."
"Jagat" means the world, "agi-aanee" means ignorant. But what are we ignorant of? The world is ignorant of love, of Waheguru, of that being that permeates through all of us. Due to this ignorance there is darkness. "AnDh hai" means blindness around the world. The world is blind to love and to God who permeates through all. "Doojai bhaa-ay karam kamaa-ay." Due to all this blindness, darkness that surrounds us "bhaa-ay" means in attachment. Guru Ji says in this love of duality of thinking dual, thinking about two things at once, not concentrating on the one, if we are not concentrating on the one we are going away from the message of "ik-oNkaar". "Karam kamaa-ay" where "karam" means actions and "kamaa-ay" means to do. We do actions but we act in blindness and in love of duality.
"Gur parsaadee sukh oopjai jaa gur kaa sabad kamaa-ay."
The only way of coming through this all is "Gur parsaadee". "Parsaadee" means grace and "gur" means Guru. By the Guru’s grace "sukh oopjai", we find true "sukh" which means peace and "oopjai" means is found from within you. With the Guru’s grace you find the true peace. "Kamaa-ay" which means to act, to live (in this case) according to the "gur kaa sabad" (the word "sabad" of the Guru "Gur kaa"). If with the Guru’s grace we act upon the word of the Guru, we meditate on the word of the Guru, we make the word of the Guru everything, then we shall find complete peace.
Sikhnet Hukam
Its all thru ur Kirpa Maharaj<<<TuHi TuHi>>>
I feel so down so distant so depressed
From you, family, from life
I have nothing to smile about
But you have blessed me with so much
Marriage is such a hot topic
Guru Angad Dev ji says real marriage is to God himself
Real marriage is to unite with the almighty
I ask for just your simran

My hands are folded I only want your name
As the New Year approaches, time slips out of my hands
Please support me on this path
Bless me with your grace and never leave me Maharaj
Now realising what I wrote last year, I realise I am held back by fear. I am scared. Scared of being lost in Keertan, lost in Simran. But at the same time i hear the vibration of your name...WAHEGURU...WAHEGURU.....TUHI TUHI....TUHI TUHI....
The vibration I heard on Wednesday night...with the sadh sangat....I feel blessed. I Thank You Maharaj.
Guru Ji, you said this in the Hukamnama this morning from Darbar Sahib:
"Jagat agi-aanee anDh hai doojai bhaa-ay karam kamaa-ay."
"Jagat" means the world, "agi-aanee" means ignorant. But what are we ignorant of? The world is ignorant of love, of Waheguru, of that being that permeates through all of us. Due to this ignorance there is darkness. "AnDh hai" means blindness around the world. The world is blind to love and to God who permeates through all. "Doojai bhaa-ay karam kamaa-ay." Due to all this blindness, darkness that surrounds us "bhaa-ay" means in attachment. Guru Ji says in this love of duality of thinking dual, thinking about two things at once, not concentrating on the one, if we are not concentrating on the one we are going away from the message of "ik-oNkaar". "Karam kamaa-ay" where "karam" means actions and "kamaa-ay" means to do. We do actions but we act in blindness and in love of duality.
"Gur parsaadee sukh oopjai jaa gur kaa sabad kamaa-ay."
The only way of coming through this all is "Gur parsaadee". "Parsaadee" means grace and "gur" means Guru. By the Guru’s grace "sukh oopjai", we find true "sukh" which means peace and "oopjai" means is found from within you. With the Guru’s grace you find the true peace. "Kamaa-ay" which means to act, to live (in this case) according to the "gur kaa sabad" (the word "sabad" of the Guru "Gur kaa"). If with the Guru’s grace we act upon the word of the Guru, we meditate on the word of the Guru, we make the word of the Guru everything, then we shall find complete peace.

Its all thru ur Kirpa Maharaj<<<
We all pass thru different challenges in life and with his Kirpa, We will pass the tests....Stay in Chardikala and let's keep chanting his naam and build our Gurusikhi jeevan..:).
Nice Blog...Hope you will con't to update it..
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