KDP 13
KDP 13
Thank you for bringing me to the Sadh Sangat to sing your praises Maharaj...please keep me close Waheguru.......
kaliaan mehalaa 4
prabh keejai kirapaa nidhhaan ham har gun gaavehagae
ho thumaree karo nith aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae 1 rehaao
ham baarik mugadhh eiaan pithaa samajhaavehigae
suth khin khin bhool bigaar jagath pith bhaavehigae 1
jo har suaamee thum dhaehu soee ham paavehagae
mohi dhoojee naahee t(h)our jis pehi ham jaavehagae 2
jo har bhaavehi bhagath thinaa har bhaavehigae
jothee joth milaae joth ral jaavehagae 3
har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae
jan naanak saran dhuaar har laaj rakhaavehigae 46
Kalyaan, Fourth Mehla:
O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless me, that I may sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
I always place my hopes in You; O God, when will you take me in Your Embrace? 1Pause
I am a foolish and ignorant child; Father, please teach me!
Your child makes mistakes again and again, but still, You are pleased with him, O Father of the Universe. 1
Whatever You give me, O my Lord and Master - that is what I receive.
There is no other place where I can go. 2
Those devotees who are pleasing to the Lord - the Lord is pleasing to them.
Their light merges into the Light; the lights are merged and blended together. 3
The Lord Himself has shown mercy; He lovingly attunes me to Himself.
Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Door of the Lord, who protects his honor. 46
Thank you for bringing me to the Sadh Sangat to sing your praises Maharaj...please keep me close Waheguru.......
kaliaan mehalaa 4
prabh keejai kirapaa nidhhaan ham har gun gaavehagae
ho thumaree karo nith aas prabh mohi kab gal laavehigae 1 rehaao
ham baarik mugadhh eiaan pithaa samajhaavehigae
suth khin khin bhool bigaar jagath pith bhaavehigae 1
jo har suaamee thum dhaehu soee ham paavehagae
mohi dhoojee naahee t(h)our jis pehi ham jaavehagae 2
jo har bhaavehi bhagath thinaa har bhaavehigae
jothee joth milaae joth ral jaavehagae 3
har aapae hoe kirapaal aap liv laavehigae
jan naanak saran dhuaar har laaj rakhaavehigae 46
Kalyaan, Fourth Mehla:
O God, Treasure of Mercy, please bless me, that I may sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.
I always place my hopes in You; O God, when will you take me in Your Embrace? 1Pause
I am a foolish and ignorant child; Father, please teach me!
Your child makes mistakes again and again, but still, You are pleased with him, O Father of the Universe. 1
Whatever You give me, O my Lord and Master - that is what I receive.
There is no other place where I can go. 2
Those devotees who are pleasing to the Lord - the Lord is pleasing to them.
Their light merges into the Light; the lights are merged and blended together. 3
The Lord Himself has shown mercy; He lovingly attunes me to Himself.
Servant Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Door of the Lord, who protects his honor. 46
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