I bow before my Guru

I only bow before my beloved
I only follow the path of truth
My soul tells me of no other
Gurbani reminds me...
"Raam reheem puraan kuraan anaek kehai(n) math eaek n maanayo||
Simrith saasathr baes sabai bahu bhaedh kehai ham eaek n jaanayo ||"
Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Raam = The Hindu Prophet Ram, son of Dashrth; Raheem = The Muslim Prophet Mohamed; Puran = The Hindu Scripture; Kuran, The Muslim Scripture; mut = religion, faith.
Puranas, The Hindu Scripture, praise and glorify Raam and Kuran, the Muslim Scripture praises and glorifies Hazart Mohammed. Likewise, other religions talk of their own prophets and glorify them as God. I do not accept any prophet to be God.
Simritis, shastras, vedas and all other Hindu scriptures; bahu bhaid = varied ways, different ways, different approaches (for realising God); kahain=talk of, mention
Simritis, shastras, and the 4 Vedas mention varied ways of God Realisation. O Lord! (since I have formed a bondage with you through Naam Simran), I do not accept any of their ritual approaches.

You have no expectation
These steps take you afar
Maharaj tests you at every step
Prove your love
this is the saviye of patsahe dasvee and are not found in the sri guru granth sahib ji like you have mentiond..
guru ang sang hove ji
angad singh
My sincere apologies
there aint any need to apologize phenji..we are all walking together on the same path..its our duty to help others along...
sharing is the best way to learn..
rab rakaha
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