Thursday, May 28, 2009

Laying my head at the feet of the Guru

I believed you
I trusted you
With everything
So then why do these tears fall

If I had the choice
If I could turn back time
I would never do this
To stop my tears
I would be in the beautiful lap of my Mum
With my head on her lap
Her sweet voice

Why so much dukh Maharaj
The one was not for me
I never thought I would feel like this
My tears run everyday

Feeling restricted
But I should trust Guru Ji
Has he let me down in the past?
When can I leave this earth?

To lay my head in the lap of my true Guru
To lay with my eyes closed
Aaj More Aaye Hain 
Aaj More Aaye Hain

The one does not see
The pain the suffering
I wish it to remain anon
The tears will fall


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