The in-laws of Maya

This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 482
Awsw ]
swsu kI duKI ssur kI ipAwrI jyT ky nwim frau ry ]
saas kee dhukhee sasur kee piaaree jaet(h) kae naam ddaro rae
I am bothered by my mother-in-law, Maya, and loved by my father-in-law, the Lord. I fear even the name of my husband's elder brother, Death.
sKI shylI nnd ghylI dyvr kY ibrih jrau ry ]1]
sakhee sehaelee nanadh gehaelee dhaevar kai birehi jaro rae 1
O my mates and companions, my husband's sister, misunderstanding has seized me, and I am burning with the pain of separation from my husband's younger brother, divine knowledge. 1
myrI miq baurI mY rwmu ibswirE ikn ibiD rhin rhau ry ]
maeree math bouree mai raam bisaariou kin bidhh rehan reho rae
My mind has gone insane, since I forgot the Lord. How can I lead a virtuous lifestyle?
syjY rmqu nYn nhI pyKau iehu duKu kw sau khau ry ]1] rhwau ]
saejai ramath nain nehee paekho eihu dhukh kaa so keho rae 1 rehaao
He rests in the bed of my mind, but I cannot see Him with my eyes. Unto whom should I tell my sufferings? 1Pause
bwpu swvkw krY lrweI mwieAw sd mqvwrI ]
baap saavakaa karai laraaee maaeiaa sadh mathavaaree
My step-father, egotism, fights with me, and my mother, desire, is always intoxicated.
bfy BweI kY jb sMig hoqI qb hau nwh ipAwrI ]2]
baddae bhaaee kai jab sa(n)g hothee thab ho naah piaaree 2
When I stayed with my elder brother, meditation, then I was loved by my Husband Lord. 2
khq kbIr pMc ko Jgrw Jgrq jnmu gvwieAw ]
kehath kabeer pa(n)ch ko jhagaraa jhagarath janam gavaaeiaa
Says Kabeer, the five passions argue with me, and in these arguments, my life is wasting away.
JUTI mwieAw sBu jgu bwiDAw mY rwm rmq suKu pwieAw ]3]3]25]
jhoot(h)ee maaeiaa sabh jag baadhhiaa mai raam ramath sukh paaeiaa 3325
The false Maya has bound the whole world, but I have obtained peace, chanting the Name of the Lord. 3325
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