Dream Wedding
I went to an amazing Gursikh wedding today
The bride and groom went and did SIMRAN
How chardi kalla is that? What great examples u expose me to Maharaj.
I wish I could have a beautiful simple sikh wedding. I am no Gursikh but to celebrate in the holy sangat of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj would be a dream come true. I dnt need or want no party, drink, meat etc etc. Living in such an age where the family deems this to be necessary. It is so not.
Maharaj, I have faith in you. Only you can make my dream wedding possible where the main point of the wedding is something ppl can take away forever. A beautfiul message from our Guru...Waheguru
I leave you with a very powerful image taken from http://www.mrsikhnet.com/

i am feeling like this right now as all i want is a simple gursikh wedding......... but alot of the family don't. it's all in Maharajs hands. thank you for sharing penj.
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