Aaj More Aaye Hain
Aaj More Aaye Hain
Can anyone explain these beautiful words from Gurbani?
To hear the Shabd click here
Please help me understand what my Guru is saying....I first heard this through my bro Rishi and never has he sung it again or have I heard it until yesterday...
Thanks to Manvir Singh and Guruka Singh for helping me finding the meaning online...
That beautiful shabd is from the Vaars of Bhai Gurdaas Ji on Pannaa 42.
supan charithr chithr baanak banae bachithra
paavan pavithr mithr aaj maerai aaeae hai
param dhaeiaal laal lochan bisaal mukha
bachan rasaal madhh madhhur peeaaeae hai
sobhith sijaasan bilaasan dhai a(n)kamaala
praemaras bisam hue sehaj samaaeae hai
chaathrik sabadh sun akheeaa oughar gee
bhee jal meen gath bireh jagaaeae hai
I saw Him (my beloved) in a vision. It was an amazing sight!
His form was adorned in a wondrous way.
My extremely sacred, beloved and pure friend came to me today. (in my vision)
He is the greatest and most merciful and he is my beloved Laal. (a very precious thing)
He has beautiful eyes.
Words from His mouth are sweet as nectar.
Hearing them I drink Madh Madhur (sweet and delicious honey.)
He was seated on a beautiful bed and He hugged me to Him.
I was filled with indescribable bliss.
Lost in the wonder of the sweetness of His love, I became blended with Him.
I the chatrik bird, after hearing the Divine Shabad, understood everything. (my inner eye opened)
Now I am like a fish in water. Great Bairaag (longing of separation) has sprouted inside me.
Very Nice !! you have given a very nice description of this shabad....
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