'Seeing is being'

The yearning for you continues
This urge to do simran
The sweetest pain in my heart
Why can’t I do simran in your sadh sangat?
You say this all the time to me
‘Seeing is being’
How can I see you in me?
Me? Me, Maharaj?
Yet I know you’re there
Deep, deep within the depths of me
I know you’re there
I feel you
"Darsan daykhat dokh nasay."
"Darsan" the blessed vision of God, "daykhat" having seen this, "dokh" means pain, and "nasay" means run away. All pains run away on seeing the blessed vision of God. Before we look at the rest of the hukamnaama, we must look at this word "darshan". It comes up a lot in the Guru Granth Sahib. What does this word darshan mean? Many people say seeing is believing, we hear that many times. But on a spiritual level, seeing is being. To see God you have to be one with God. Darsan is that stage when all you see is God. You have seen God within yourself, and realised that truely your atma, your soul, is a drop from the ocean of Waheguru, of God, and you see that Waheguru, that beloved God, through all. That is the true state of darsan, that is the true blessed vision. That is the state where all your pains run away. That state of realisation, because seeng is being in spiritual terms. We must remember this when talking about darsan. It is a very high level on the spiritual plane. Darshan. To achieve darshan in the aim of our lives. So keep that in mind. Seeing is being. To see God is to be one with God, to see Waheguru is to be one with Waheguru.

"Kabahu na hovhu darisat agochar jee-a kai sang basay. ||1|| Rahaa-o."
Oh God, Oh Waheguru, Oh "Agochar", the one who cannot be fathomed with this human mind, can not be mapped out with the mind. Please please oh God…"kabahu" means ever, but the "na" after it makes it negative, so it says never. Never leave my vision, my "darisat". Oh God, please never leave me now, I want to see you in all forever and ever. "Jee-a" means soul, "sang" means to be one with, to be with all the time. "Basay" means to abide. Oh God please never leave me now, abide with my soul, abide in my soul. Pause and think about what darshan means.
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