A Question

Today I went to a lunch with a collegue
He posed a question
A question to answer
A question to think
A question to ask
A question to make your heart sink
An intriguing question
A beautiful question
A question of hope
A meaningful question
A question that made me cry
A question of life
A question of love
A question of truth
I've been reading your blog for quite some time know. Usually checking back from day to day to read your insightful and deep thoughts. I dont know what it is Bhainjee but i feel like whatever you write is a reflection of what i feel. I feel like im reading my heart when i read your beautiful poetry. Please continue to write. I would start my own blog but i feel i would be copying what you write.
Please take care and continue to write.
Stay in Chardi Kalaa
Vahegurujikakhalsa Vahegurujikifateh
love who HE loves, will bring you closer to HIM. find out - is your job.
Maharaj Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji posed the following question?
Fir kai agai rakhiye jit disai darbar
So what can I place in front of you to have the blessed vision of your court?
Moh ke bolan boliya jit sun dharay pyar
What offering, what can i say which will allow me to invoke you love? What do I need to do to make you love me?
Maharaj answers:
amrit vela sach nao vadiye vichar.
In the early, blessed hours, cherish the moment, every moment, the present moment, the moment that is given to you as gift and contemplate on the greatness of the Divine. In doing so be true to your self and look within and see that the Divine is sitting there. For God needs nothing, nor asks for anything and certainly wants nothing from us. Other than for us to look within us and one day realise who and what we are..... a part of the Divine.
This realisation comes through the practice of meditation and contemplation in amrit vela, chanting and becoming absorbed in the resonance of the Divine.
So the answer to this in a subtle way is that God wants what we want. That is what our soul wants and what our soul wants to do is to realise and experience who and what it was once apart of And this Love, this experience, this understanding is realised through the teachings of the Guru in Amrit Vela.
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