I love you, Mum

Feel so empty
Feel not to smile
Feel you here
Wish I was with you
We underestimate the part our Mum plays in our lives
The love of a mother we can never understand
I pray for your safety
"Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae"
It up to you Maharaj
It is all in your hands
A safe, enjoyable trip
Please take care of your Saint
Please take care of my Mum
"Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae"
As always Guru Granth Sahib Ji always knows what I am feeling. Guru Ji knows what everyone is feeling and thinking and a beautiful Hukam he shares with us:
Sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:
a(n)thar kee gath thum hee jaanee thujh hee paahi nibaero ||
Only You know the state of my innermost self; You alone can judge me.
This world will always have something to say about all my affairs but at the end of the day there is only ONE Akaal Purakh, there is only you Maharaj, there is only you who can judge me.
bakhas laihu saahib prabh apanae laakh khathae kar faero ||1||
Please forgive me, O Lord God Master; I have committed thousands of sins and mistakes. ||1||
Each and every day Waheguru, I committ many sins. I forget you far too often especially during the working week.
prabh jee thoo maero t(h)aakur naero ||
O my Dear Lord God Master, You are always near me.
Today if I had to sum up how I am feeling it has to be "Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae". You are always near me Maharaj. A friend of mine always re-iterates this to me when I am feeling down or feeling far from Maharaj. Her smile and radiant face always reminds me to think of my Guru. It is through her beautiful eyes I see Waheguru. She does not realise how many people she inspires just by her presence around Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
har charan saran mohi chaero ||1|| rehaao ||
O Lord, please bless Your disciple with the shelter of Your feet. ||1||Pause||
This Rahaao 'tuk' is dedicated to my Mum. Today the only prayer is for my Mum. Please bless her Maharaj with your kirpa. She has your support, she has you by her side. Hold her hand and guide her. Thank you Maharaj.

baesumaar baea(n)th suaamee oocho gunee gehaero ||
Infinite and endless is my Lord and Master; He is lofty, virtuous and profoundly deep.
What more can I say? Mere words cannot describe you Maharaj.
kaatt silak keeno apuno dhaasaro tho naanak kehaa nihoro ||2||7||35||
Cutting away the noose of death, the Lord has made Nanak His slave, and now, what does he owe to anyone else? ||2||7||35||

Beautiful post.I respect your sentiments.
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