You Took My Hand

You took my hand
Took me to my destination
I had your beautiful darshan today Maharaj
I was lost physically
You took my hand
You showed me the way
I followed smiling
This was the physical destination
Maharaj has a deeper message
You took my hand
Spiritually you show me the way
Today I was driving and I got kind of lost (yes typical kuri!). I pulled up to check a map but I didn’t have the correct one for the area I was in.
So I decided to pull up in a retail park and ask in one of the main stores. This lady stepped out of one of the stores and I thought ‘ask her’. I asked her for directions and she began explaining and then said ‘look why don’t you just follow me?’

Check out today’s Hukamnama:
"Angeekaar kee-o parabh apunai bhagtan kee raakhee paat.""Angee" means a limb "kaar"
means to make one into. God so enveloped me with love, Guruji is saying, that I realised I am a limb, a part of God. "Parabh apunai" means my Lord. My Lord God has made me realise I am part of that eternal ocean of my Lord. "Bhagtan kee raakhee paat." And what else has God done? "Bhagtan" means the devotee, "paat" means honor "raakhee" means to look after. God himself has saved, has protected the honor of his devotee, of his beloved one.

:) nice post as always
but I was just wondering if the lady who you asked for directions told you to 'get lost', rather than show you the way would that be maharaj too?
So true...had experience the same many times..Gurujee is always angsang. Satguru always guide/help us thru other gurusikhs/people :). if you know what i mean...
Mr Singh
I dnt have all the answers. I dnt know if that would be Maharaj or not but all I do know is Maharaj dnt turn his back on no one...He is always there. My Guru comes through in every situation. My Waheguru never lets me go without.
Ofcourse maharaj doesn't turn his back on nobody, but I think he tests us every second of everyday - so much so that even when he doesnt show us the path we still stick by him and retain our complete love and faith in him.
The reason I asked is because sometimes we have a habit of seeing everything 'good' as his will, but 'bad' things also occur through his will. I suppose in the end it's only a complete brahmgyani sees everything as good and nothing as bad.
We can only try.
Excellent points but lets take this one stage further if we can.
How would you define good or bad? surely everything happens in divine hukam? If that is the case wouldn't you say everything happens in perfection? Therefore there cannot be any good or bar, a situation is just perfect?
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