I am the Fool
I wrote this yesterday but didn't get time to post...
Why Maharaj?
I cannot live without you simran
Why can't I go and sing you Keertan in the Sadh Sangat?
Why bring me so close and then chuck me away?

If I cannot do your Naam Simran; then take this jewel of life
Take it Maharaj
As Kabeer Ji said in the Hukam this morning – let the worms eat at my skin.
"Jab jaree-ai tab ho-ay bhasam tan rahai kiram dal khaa-ee."
"Jaree-ai" means to burn. "Tan" means body. When your body is burned, which you have so much pride over, then it simply becomes ashes. "Rahai". If the body is left, and not cremated, "kiram dal khaa-ee". "Dal" means army, "kiram" means ants and worms. Armies of ants and worms "khaa-ee", eat away at your rotting flesh.
As long as you re-unite my soul with you
Take it Maharaj
Don’t be far away
This soul is yours
But look what Maharaj says in the Rahaa-o line:
"Kaahay bha-ee-aa firtou fooli-aa fooli-aa."
"Kaahay" means why, "bha-ee-aa" means brother. Oh brother, "firtou" means to strut about. "Fooli-aa fooli-aa" means to pull, to puff up, to blossom with pride and ego. Kabeer Ji is talking to that man whose wearing the flowers around his neck and saying, those flowers are flowers of ego. But he’s talking to us now because we carry those flowers as well. We may not see them, they may not be physical, but we carry them around mentally. Kabeer Ji says why are you blossoming with pride, why are you blossoming with ego?
Look how much ego I show by asking Maharaj to take this life away. I am such a fool…..
"Jab das maas uraDh mukh rahtaa so din kaisay bhooli-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o."
"So din" means that day. "Das" means ten "maas" means months. For ten months, "uradh" means upside down, "mukh" means face. Your face was upside down for ten months. Have you forgotten that day? Kabeer Ji is trying to tell us how weak and feeble this body is, and how we need to connect to the soul. "Rahaa-o." Pause and this about this.
Just like you are...

"Aadh sach jugaadh sach"
True In The Primal Beginning. True Throughout The Ages.
"Hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach ||1||"
True Here And Now. O Nanak, Forever And Ever True. ||1||
My soul was yours
My soul is yours
My soul shall forever be yours...Waheguru
Why Maharaj?
I cannot live without you simran
Why can't I go and sing you Keertan in the Sadh Sangat?
Why bring me so close and then chuck me away?

If I cannot do your Naam Simran; then take this jewel of life
Take it Maharaj
As Kabeer Ji said in the Hukam this morning – let the worms eat at my skin.
"Jab jaree-ai tab ho-ay bhasam tan rahai kiram dal khaa-ee."
"Jaree-ai" means to burn. "Tan" means body. When your body is burned, which you have so much pride over, then it simply becomes ashes. "Rahai". If the body is left, and not cremated, "kiram dal khaa-ee". "Dal" means army, "kiram" means ants and worms. Armies of ants and worms "khaa-ee", eat away at your rotting flesh.
As long as you re-unite my soul with you
Take it Maharaj
Don’t be far away
This soul is yours
But look what Maharaj says in the Rahaa-o line:
"Kaahay bha-ee-aa firtou fooli-aa fooli-aa."
"Kaahay" means why, "bha-ee-aa" means brother. Oh brother, "firtou" means to strut about. "Fooli-aa fooli-aa" means to pull, to puff up, to blossom with pride and ego. Kabeer Ji is talking to that man whose wearing the flowers around his neck and saying, those flowers are flowers of ego. But he’s talking to us now because we carry those flowers as well. We may not see them, they may not be physical, but we carry them around mentally. Kabeer Ji says why are you blossoming with pride, why are you blossoming with ego?
Look how much ego I show by asking Maharaj to take this life away. I am such a fool…..
"Jab das maas uraDh mukh rahtaa so din kaisay bhooli-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o."
"So din" means that day. "Das" means ten "maas" means months. For ten months, "uradh" means upside down, "mukh" means face. Your face was upside down for ten months. Have you forgotten that day? Kabeer Ji is trying to tell us how weak and feeble this body is, and how we need to connect to the soul. "Rahaa-o." Pause and this about this.
Just like you are...

"Aadh sach jugaadh sach"
True In The Primal Beginning. True Throughout The Ages.
"Hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach ||1||"
True Here And Now. O Nanak, Forever And Ever True. ||1||
My soul was yours
My soul is yours
My soul shall forever be yours...Waheguru
Bhenji! One word is my mind: "VaaheGuroo"
Its great to read your vichaar and thoughts, and to ponder over the glory and greatness of Guru Sahib and Akaal Purakh. Its truly inspiring. May Guru Sahib keep you in chardi kalaa. Hope you continue your seva :)
Guru Rakha
I feel sad for myself that I dont HIM all the time.
If we could do something, we would have done it...Is soooo..difficult to even chant WAHEGURU ONCE!!!...
May waheguru himself bless us gurusikhi jeevan..
"ik gharhee na miltay taa kalijug hotaa.
When I could not be with You for just one moment, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga dawned for me. "
Thank you for your comments: Manvir Singh/Tejinder and Singhu.
When I wrote this post my family were not letting me go to camp as there was hate crime against some of the sewadaars involved by fellow 'sikhs'. I felt as if I was being kept away from chanting Waheguru and being with the sadh Sangat as the family feared for my safety.
But with his kirpa I got the chance to go. I got the chance to be with Waheguru and spend a week with our beautiful Guru. It was truly amazing! I miss camp soooo much!
I tried to explain this longing to be with the sadh sangat in this post. I didn't want to live if i didn't get the chance to serve Maharaj. But with his grace the camp was a huge success....so many souls inspied, beautiful keertan was sung with the presence of Guru Maharaj.
Thank you Maharaj.
I have also heard the hate crime about the summer camps, nothing could stop true sikhs when satguru is always angsang. Anyway, can feel you were really excited about the camp jee :).
And I am really proud of you for having the courage to wear a dastar in a mix culture country. Let's keep chanting his naam with his kirpa.
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