One Wish
Has it ever happened to you?
You think of something
Within no time
One wish is fulfilled

Someting so small
Something so beautiful
Something that touches your heart
One wish is fulfilled
That fulfiller of all wishes is One
That fulfiller is our Father
That fulfiller looks after us at every step
One wish is fulfilled

Yesterday morning I was not feeling well. I had a really bad stomach ache and just needed a good cup of cha just to soothe the pain a little. I woke up craving cha. I thought to myself so need some tea. Usually I go down before Mum but yesterday morning, I went down and there in a cup was a beautiful gift from cha! I stood at the sink and just smiled. I thanked Maharaj and smiled. One small wish made and granted with his kirpa. You may laugh and think it is so minor. But its when events like these happen, you appreciate Maharaj. Lately I have been feeling like Maharaj is not talking to me. But that cha proved to me my Waheguru will always be there, its me that turns my back on him. These 'One Wish' moments happen to all of time it happens to you...recognise it as Maharaj...recognise it as Waheguru communicating with you....
You think of something
Within no time
One wish is fulfilled

Someting so small
Something so beautiful
Something that touches your heart
One wish is fulfilled
That fulfiller of all wishes is One
That fulfiller is our Father
That fulfiller looks after us at every step
One wish is fulfilled

Yesterday morning I was not feeling well. I had a really bad stomach ache and just needed a good cup of cha just to soothe the pain a little. I woke up craving cha. I thought to myself so need some tea. Usually I go down before Mum but yesterday morning, I went down and there in a cup was a beautiful gift from cha! I stood at the sink and just smiled. I thanked Maharaj and smiled. One small wish made and granted with his kirpa. You may laugh and think it is so minor. But its when events like these happen, you appreciate Maharaj. Lately I have been feeling like Maharaj is not talking to me. But that cha proved to me my Waheguru will always be there, its me that turns my back on him. These 'One Wish' moments happen to all of time it happens to you...recognise it as Maharaj...recognise it as Waheguru communicating with you....

It happened again this morning. This time I was craving toast! But the wish was made so subtly in my mind. But made from an honest heart. I didn't have any expectation from Maharaj.
Isn't that true love?
When you have no expectation from the other?
When you truly love from the heart?
When without realising the lover will fulful your every wish without you even speaking... that's Maharaj...that's Waheguru....
I Love You Maharaj...
Isn't that true love?
When you have no expectation from the other?
When you truly love from the heart?
When without realising the lover will fulful your every wish without you even speaking... that's Maharaj...that's Waheguru....
I Love You Maharaj...

I had experience the same many times also:). Dhan Dhan Satguru SGGS Jee Maharaj.
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