Gifts from Maharaj
Just when I felt spiritually dead
Just when I had lost faith
Just when I sensed a dead end
Just when I thought my mind had won
Maharaj spoke
A lesson of love
A lesson of truth
A lesson to comfort the broken heart
A lesson to remember

Christmas is a time of giving. I made a mistake and forgot to give to my brother n bhabhi for their 3rd anniversary (on xmas day). Was 'told' about it from the little one. My fault. Should have gone to get something. Just been so busy, didn't get a chance. Little one proper upset me. I turned to Sukhmani Sahib. (I try to read as often as I can, an Astpadi at a time).

dhaenehaar prabh shhodd kai laagehi aan suaae ||
One who renounces God the Giver, and attaches himself to other affairs
I am not the giver. Maharaj himself is the giver of gifts. I get so entangled in the love of Maya.
naanak kehoo n seejhee bin naavai path jaae ||1||
- O Nanak, he shall never succeed. Without the Name, he shall lose his honor. ||1||
I have not been doing paath as I should be, feeling so distant, not going simran or arising early. I think that I can succeed in life by succeeding in my career. Maharaj advises with pyar to remember God's name.
I read on and the tears began...

dhas basathoo lae paashhai paavai ||
He obtains ten things, and puts them behind him;
eaek basath kaaran bikhott gavaavai ||
for the sake of one thing withheld, he forfeits his faith.
eaek bhee n dhaee dhas bhee hir laee ||
But what if that one thing were not given, and the ten were taken away?
tho moorraa kahu kehaa karaee ||
Then, what could the fool say or do?
Maharaj teaches me that be grateful for all you have. He has given you so much. So much and he continues to give. We cry over the one thing that Maharaj never gives us. This put into perspective the gift the little one was talking about. So much commotion because I did not buy a gift for this one year. Who am I? Maharaj is the true giver. He gives to us all. O Maharaj I am so thankful for all the gifts you have bestowed onto me. We are blessed souls all with your kirpa.
I read on ...
man har kae naam kee preeth sukhadhaaee ||
O mind, the love of the Name of the Lord bestows peace.
kar kirapaa naanak aap leae laaee ||3||
O Nanak, the Lord, in His Mercy, unites us with Himself. ||3||
I wander around lost. I honestly did not want to pray. My mind was being so bad. Frustrates me even writing it. I don't know what it is. I felt so far from him that rather then actively trying to build my relationship, I just pulled away. But my Maharaj is so beautiful. He did not give up on me. He still held my hand after I turned my back on him. I hang my head in shame. I am so so so sorry Waheguru. I don''t know why is it so difficult. Why can't I just lay my head at your feet. Why is this path so difficult?

It is the path of truth
It is the path of sacrifice
It is the path for today and tomorow
Why do I fail at every attempt?
Just when I had lost faith
Just when I sensed a dead end
Just when I thought my mind had won
Maharaj spoke
A lesson of love
A lesson of truth
A lesson to comfort the broken heart
A lesson to remember

Christmas is a time of giving. I made a mistake and forgot to give to my brother n bhabhi for their 3rd anniversary (on xmas day). Was 'told' about it from the little one. My fault. Should have gone to get something. Just been so busy, didn't get a chance. Little one proper upset me. I turned to Sukhmani Sahib. (I try to read as often as I can, an Astpadi at a time).

dhaenehaar prabh shhodd kai laagehi aan suaae ||
One who renounces God the Giver, and attaches himself to other affairs
I am not the giver. Maharaj himself is the giver of gifts. I get so entangled in the love of Maya.
naanak kehoo n seejhee bin naavai path jaae ||1||
- O Nanak, he shall never succeed. Without the Name, he shall lose his honor. ||1||
I have not been doing paath as I should be, feeling so distant, not going simran or arising early. I think that I can succeed in life by succeeding in my career. Maharaj advises with pyar to remember God's name.
I read on and the tears began...

dhas basathoo lae paashhai paavai ||
He obtains ten things, and puts them behind him;
eaek basath kaaran bikhott gavaavai ||
for the sake of one thing withheld, he forfeits his faith.
eaek bhee n dhaee dhas bhee hir laee ||
But what if that one thing were not given, and the ten were taken away?
tho moorraa kahu kehaa karaee ||
Then, what could the fool say or do?
Maharaj teaches me that be grateful for all you have. He has given you so much. So much and he continues to give. We cry over the one thing that Maharaj never gives us. This put into perspective the gift the little one was talking about. So much commotion because I did not buy a gift for this one year. Who am I? Maharaj is the true giver. He gives to us all. O Maharaj I am so thankful for all the gifts you have bestowed onto me. We are blessed souls all with your kirpa.
I read on ...
man har kae naam kee preeth sukhadhaaee ||
O mind, the love of the Name of the Lord bestows peace.
kar kirapaa naanak aap leae laaee ||3||
O Nanak, the Lord, in His Mercy, unites us with Himself. ||3||
I wander around lost. I honestly did not want to pray. My mind was being so bad. Frustrates me even writing it. I don't know what it is. I felt so far from him that rather then actively trying to build my relationship, I just pulled away. But my Maharaj is so beautiful. He did not give up on me. He still held my hand after I turned my back on him. I hang my head in shame. I am so so so sorry Waheguru. I don''t know why is it so difficult. Why can't I just lay my head at your feet. Why is this path so difficult?

It is the path of truth
It is the path of sacrifice
It is the path for today and tomorow
Why do I fail at every attempt?
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