Talk to Maharaj
I got distracted by the following sabad...
It is SO SO beautiful...
pourree ||
keethaa lorreeai ka(n)m s har pehi aakheeai ||
Whatever work you wish to accomplish-tell it to the Lord.
Many things have been going round and round my head lately. And this beautiful sabad has clarified so much. Why do I wait for mere people around me to ask me what’s wrong. Let me talk to my Pyarah Preetam. Let me communicate to you Maharaj. You know my hearts inner most desires. Desires I dare not speak.
kaaraj dhaee savaar sathigur sach saakheeai ||
He will resolve your affairs; the True Guru gives His Guarantee of Truth.
When I have your guarantee what do I need this world of duality. Hold my hand Maharaj and take me to your realm of truth.
sa(n)thaa sa(n)g nidhhaan a(n)mrith chaakheeai ||
In the Society of the Saints, you shall taste the treasure of the Ambrosial Nectar.
When with you kirpa can I be part of the sangat. I have made so many mistakes in these last few weeks. I have thought bad of people. Had fights, took out my anger on people that did not deserve it. Please forgive me Maharaj
bhai bha(n)jan miharavaan dhaas kee raakheeai ||
The Lord is the Merciful Destroyer of fear; He preserves and protects His slaves.
I fear being far from you. I fear who I am turning into. Dnt let me be far from you. Dnt let me be in ego. When I am in ego, I am without you Waheguru.
naanak har gun gaae alakh prabh laakheeai ||20||
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and see the Unseen Lord God. ||20||
Please find an excuse for Wednesday so I may join the society of saints.
It is SO SO beautiful...
pourree ||
keethaa lorreeai ka(n)m s har pehi aakheeai ||
Whatever work you wish to accomplish-tell it to the Lord.
Many things have been going round and round my head lately. And this beautiful sabad has clarified so much. Why do I wait for mere people around me to ask me what’s wrong. Let me talk to my Pyarah Preetam. Let me communicate to you Maharaj. You know my hearts inner most desires. Desires I dare not speak.
kaaraj dhaee savaar sathigur sach saakheeai ||
He will resolve your affairs; the True Guru gives His Guarantee of Truth.
When I have your guarantee what do I need this world of duality. Hold my hand Maharaj and take me to your realm of truth.
sa(n)thaa sa(n)g nidhhaan a(n)mrith chaakheeai ||
In the Society of the Saints, you shall taste the treasure of the Ambrosial Nectar.
When with you kirpa can I be part of the sangat. I have made so many mistakes in these last few weeks. I have thought bad of people. Had fights, took out my anger on people that did not deserve it. Please forgive me Maharaj

bhai bha(n)jan miharavaan dhaas kee raakheeai ||
The Lord is the Merciful Destroyer of fear; He preserves and protects His slaves.
I fear being far from you. I fear who I am turning into. Dnt let me be far from you. Dnt let me be in ego. When I am in ego, I am without you Waheguru.
naanak har gun gaae alakh prabh laakheeai ||20||
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and see the Unseen Lord God. ||20||
Please find an excuse for Wednesday so I may join the society of saints.

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