To meet Maharaj

I was listening to my brother Sukha Singh's keertan and katha vichaar. He talked about a very important issue. Along the lines of what I have been questioning in the last few days.
We have come onto this earth. Why? There has to be more than life then getting up going to work, eating, sleeping and waking up and doing it all again. We are here to meet our pyaarah. We are here to meet our beloved. Our pyaarah preetam. To meet Maharaj. To meet Waheguru. Otherwise we wil go through the 8.4m life forms. Who can guide us on this path? Who can help us along? Who has all the knowledge? Our Guru. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

We are here to be jot wich jot. To become one with Waheguru. How do we experience Waheguru? In his keertan by associating with those that are in love with God's name. I never knew the power of sangat until after I started going to Sikh Student Camp. Kaljug mein keertan pardana.
If we sit together with sangat and do about about how great he is...we break all restrictions...God lives in his sangat.

But Maharaj...I am so so scared. What if I don't meet you? What if I keep getting entangled with this world (as I have been doing so?)...How can i leave this earth without becoming one with you?

Why is love so difficult?
Why is separation so difficult?
Why can't my soul be with you?
Why is this life so difficult?
why is chocolate brown?
the answer because it is...
in the same way somethings are the way they are because they are.
when we truly want to go home we will. until then we have to keep on suffering ( due to our own doings)
until the pain of seperation is so great we will not look to falling to our Guru. We may even talk of the pain of seperation but it means nothing until that feeling is permeating throughout our body.
read the bani of Guru Tegh Bahadur to feel the true pains of seperation and solitude.
In the end there is no other place to go but home.
But until we get tired of the swings in the play ground, or get bullied by the guy who wont let you on the slide... we dont feel like travelling the path to go home.
First lets get on this path and then worry about what happens next.
The rest will fall into place like a jigsaw.
Humty Dumty.
humty dumty is a very sensible soul.
if it makes you feel any better bhainnji. we're in the same boat.
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