The Answer

What does Maharaj want from me; How do I make Maharaj happy?
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 749 soohee mehalaa 5 Soohee, Fifth Mehla: jis kae sir oopar thoo(n) suaamee so dhukh kaisaa paavai When You stand over our heads, O Lord and Master, how can we suffer in pain?
Right now by asking myself what does Maharaj want from me I am causing myself to suffer? I am allowing myself pain because I am labelling my relationship with Maharaj one of give and take. It’s about love. I was so blinded by this question I forgot the simplicity. It’s all about love. When a man truly loves a woman he just gives her love, all hius actions are out of pure love. Maharaj truly loves us and gives us exactly what we need. Maharaj does not want anything from us. He does not want anything from us. Does a mother want anything from her child?

bol n jaanai maaeiaa madh maathaa maranaa cheeth n aavai 1 The mortal being does not know how to chant Your Name - he is intoxicated with the wine of Maya, and the thought of death does not even enter his mind. 1
This is me…. I am a mortal…I do not know how to chant your name. I never think of death. I never think of that day. Instead all I know is to focus on Maharaj. I have never been scared of death. Life was blessed to me and death will be a blessing too. With Maharaj’s hukam it will happen one day. I am always entangling myself with worldly affairs and loose myself in Maya. I ask for your blessing and guidance.
maerae raam raae thoo(n) sa(n)thaa kaa sa(n)th thaerae O my Sovereign Lord, You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You.
Like a mother belongs to her children and the children belong to the mother.
thaerae saevak ko bho kishh naahee jam nehee aavai naerae 1 rehaao Your servant is not afraid of anything; the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. 1Pause
I am afraid of one thing. Loosing you. Loosing this feeling. Loosing this connection. Loosing you. I cannot LIVE without you Maharaj. This life is yours. This daughter belongs to you. I am scared of being far from you. I am afraid so one day the Messenger of Death will approach me and will he forever take me away from you? When he does my soul will not be able to take it Maharaj. I don’t think I could handle it. I close my eyes and do not want to think about such a thought. Please bless me. Bless me to be Nirbhau…bless me with your grace. Bless me to be attached to you…always
jo thaerai ra(n)g raathae suaamee thinh kaa janam maran dhukh naasaa Those who are attuned to Your Love, O my Lord and Master, are released from the pains of birth and death.
I smile and I thank you.
thaeree bakhas n maettai koee sathigur kaa dhilaasaa 2 No one can erase Your Blessings; the True Guru has given me this assurance. 2
This is amazingly true. This is SO SO TRUE. This Hukam was given when I was at the Gurdwara last night. This morning, I was driving in and talking to someone on the phone. We were discussing about the question (posed yesterday) and the phone cut off (bad reception). A blessing from Maharaj. As it cut off I turned up the radio. There was a beautiful shabad playing….this is what I heard:
'giaan dhhiaan kishh karam n jaanaa saar n jaanaa thaeree sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree'
Out of all the sabads that could have been playing, at that exact moment the HUKAM from Mahraj was playing! This ws the Hukam from last night. Maharaj was saying why are you worrying? He reminded me of his beautiful Hukam. This Hukam is so crucuail in my life as it was the same Hukam when I wore my first dastaar at Sikh Student Camp. He was saying what I was feeling. I was confused. I know noting of your wisdom. It is all about you Maharaj. It is all about you. You and your love.

naam dhhiaaein sukh fal paaein aat(h) pehar aaraadhhehi
Those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtain the fruits of peace. Twenty-four hours a day, they worship and adore You.
Imagine if I felt this all the time. 24/7 if I thought of you…if only that was the case. I wish I adored your greatness all the time. I ask for your grace. I ask and beg for your blessing.
thaeree saran thaerai bharavaasai pa(n)ch dhusatt lai saadhhehi
In Your Sanctuary, with Your Support, they subdue the five villains.
With you kirpa I can control my five evils. I can control Maya.
giaan dhhiaan kishh karam n jaanaa saar n jaanaa thaeree I know nothing about wisdom, meditation and good deeds; I know nothing about Your excellence.
sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree 41057 Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. 41057
I bow my head to you Maharaj. I bow my head to you. Waheguru. What a beautiful journey of love. This love is immense. This love is Waheguru. You are the ultimate personification of love. If someone says what is love…only one word can answer this. Waheguru. Love is Waheguru.
Q: What is love?
A: Waheguru
Sabb Tey Vada Satgur Nanak Jin Kal Rakhi Meri
Gian Dhian Kichh Karam Na Jana
Sar Na Jana Teri
Sabb Tey Vada Satgur Nanak
Jin Kal Rakhi Meri
Sri Guru Granth Sahib (750)
I know no Gian (Divine Knowledge), Dhian (Meditation) and Karma philosophy (virtuous deeds). I do not know your true greatness. But I know one thing that my Satguru (True Guru) Nanak is the Greatest of all who has protected me in this Dark Age.

A true lover is not concerned with the intricacies of wisdom, of meditation, and subtleties of karma philosopy. He is not concerned with Gian Yoga, Dhian Yoga and Karma Yoga. Intense faith in the Supremacy of his beloved, Sri Guru Nanak Sahib Constitutes his true devotion. Love of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib is his Supreme devotion and concern. Grace and majesty of the Lord Guru Nanak reigns supreme in his humble heart. This is an earnest expression of his very soul, a deep prayer from his very heart to the Lotus Feet of his beloved Lord Guru Nanak. Having discarded all intellectualism, he has fallen head-long at the holy feet of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib.
Excellent reasoning. Your on the way. Keep that thirst burning. You are evolving spiritually. Allow the waves to flow.
Thank you Paji
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