Prayer for devotion
It is only through your kirpa
I bow to you
I awoke singing your praises
That longing is beautiful
I want to be absorbed in your name
I ask for forgiveness
I forget you so many times
Please encourage me to remember you
One sabad
One tune
I dedicate to you
Maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe ||
O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all.

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 4 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehla:
kalijug kaa dhharam kehahu thum bhaaee kiv shhootteh ham shhuttakaakee ||
Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?
How can I be set free? Free of Maya. Free of this world. Free of the worries of the world. I look at the work and worry so much. Even when I come home all I seem to think about is work. Even whilst studying I seem to think about the work. I seek emancipation...please show me how..
har har jap baerree har thulehaa har japiou tharai tharaakee ||1||
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||
Maharaj says remembering God is the way. It is so true. This morning I was in an amazing mood. I was thinking of my Waheguru. I had that beautiful sabad in my head 'maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe'. I was humming it and just made me feel so free. If I remembered Gurbani through out my day, how amazing will my limited days on this earth be?
har jee laaj rakhahu har jan kee ||
O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.
I bow to you and ask for one thing...may I remember through everything. Even the hectic working life.
har har japan japaavahu apanaa ham maagee bhagath eikaakee || rehaao ||
O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||
I beg this from you Maharaj.
har kae saevak sae har piaarae jin japiou har bachanaakee ||
The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.
How blessed are God's servants. To be in their presence is a true blessing.
laekhaa chithr gupath jo likhiaa sabh shhoottee jam kee baakee ||2||
The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||
I never knew this. I wonder what this means?
har kae sa(n)th japiou man har har lag sa(n)gath saadhh janaa kee ||
The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

dhineear soor thrisanaa agan bujhaanee siv chariou cha(n)dh cha(n)dhaakee ||3||
The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||
To the one. This is for us. Last night was a truthful night. So many truths were discussed. So many burning desires. See how we turned and looked to the moon? I saw the beautiful moon and you saw it too? What an amazing sight. Guru Ji is saying look how still and cool the moon is. Be like that. Be as cool and collected as the moon. Remember the desires will arise again. They have set for now but they will arise again, no doubt. But Guru Ji is saying don't worry I am with you.
thum vadd purakh vadd agam agochar thum aapae aap apaakee ||
You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.
To the one, this is what was discussed today. You explained how Maharaj created everything. Maharaj has re-iterated it today in this beautiful Hukamnama. This goes to show what we have is a blessing from Waheguru.
jan naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai kar dhaasan dhaas dhasaakee ||4||6||
O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||
It is only you
Who truly understands
Who truly knows me
Who talks to not me
Waheguru talks to my soul
I bow to you
I awoke singing your praises
That longing is beautiful
I want to be absorbed in your name
I ask for forgiveness
I forget you so many times
Please encourage me to remember you
One sabad
One tune
I dedicate to you
Maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe ||
O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all.

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 4 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehla:
kalijug kaa dhharam kehahu thum bhaaee kiv shhootteh ham shhuttakaakee ||
Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?
How can I be set free? Free of Maya. Free of this world. Free of the worries of the world. I look at the work and worry so much. Even when I come home all I seem to think about is work. Even whilst studying I seem to think about the work. I seek emancipation...please show me how..
har har jap baerree har thulehaa har japiou tharai tharaakee ||1||
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||

Maharaj says remembering God is the way. It is so true. This morning I was in an amazing mood. I was thinking of my Waheguru. I had that beautiful sabad in my head 'maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe'. I was humming it and just made me feel so free. If I remembered Gurbani through out my day, how amazing will my limited days on this earth be?
har jee laaj rakhahu har jan kee ||
O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.
I bow to you and ask for one thing...may I remember through everything. Even the hectic working life.
har har japan japaavahu apanaa ham maagee bhagath eikaakee || rehaao ||
O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||
I beg this from you Maharaj.
har kae saevak sae har piaarae jin japiou har bachanaakee ||
The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.
How blessed are God's servants. To be in their presence is a true blessing.
laekhaa chithr gupath jo likhiaa sabh shhoottee jam kee baakee ||2||
The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||
I never knew this. I wonder what this means?
har kae sa(n)th japiou man har har lag sa(n)gath saadhh janaa kee ||
The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

dhineear soor thrisanaa agan bujhaanee siv chariou cha(n)dh cha(n)dhaakee ||3||
The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||
To the one. This is for us. Last night was a truthful night. So many truths were discussed. So many burning desires. See how we turned and looked to the moon? I saw the beautiful moon and you saw it too? What an amazing sight. Guru Ji is saying look how still and cool the moon is. Be like that. Be as cool and collected as the moon. Remember the desires will arise again. They have set for now but they will arise again, no doubt. But Guru Ji is saying don't worry I am with you.

thum vadd purakh vadd agam agochar thum aapae aap apaakee ||
You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.
To the one, this is what was discussed today. You explained how Maharaj created everything. Maharaj has re-iterated it today in this beautiful Hukamnama. This goes to show what we have is a blessing from Waheguru.
jan naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai kar dhaasan dhaas dhasaakee ||4||6||
O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||
It is only you
Who truly understands
Who truly knows me
Who talks to not me
Waheguru talks to my soul
saachi preet hum tum sio joree. tum sio jor, avar sang toree!
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