What does my Guru say?
From my Guru

It is to my Guru that I can turn to
I ask what is the correct path
The one I have embarked upon?
Is this the path?

Is this the path to my Guru?
Will I attain full support for the day?
Day I take amrit?
Will the one deliver the promises?
My heart says yes..

What does my Guru say?
Will I be able to cope?
Can I handle the pressure?
There is only ever one marriage
What does my Guru say?

Reading Today's Hukam, my Guru knows how I feel....I await your answer....
The answer to the above was as follows:
Ang 787
sloku mÚ 2 ]
salok ma 2
Salok, Second Mehla:
ijnI clxu jwixAw sy ikau krih ivQwr ]
jinee chalan jaaniaa sae kio karehi vithhaar
They know that they will have to depart, so why do they make such ostentatious displays?
clx swr n jwxnI kwj svwrxhwr ]1]
chalan saar n jaananee kaaj savaaranehaar 1
Those who do not know that they will have to depart, continue to arrange their affairs. 1
mÚ 2 ]
ma 2
Second Mehla:
rwiq kwrix Dnu sMcIAY Blky clxu hoie ]
raath kaaran dhhan sa(n)cheeai bhalakae chalan hoe
He accumulates wealth during the night of his life, but in the morning, he must depart.
nwnk nwil n cleI iPir pCuqwvw hoie ]2]
naanak naal n chalee fir pashhuthaavaa hoe 2
O Nanak, it shall not go along with him, and so he regrets. 2
mÚ 2 ]
ma 2
Second Mehla:
bDw ctI jo Bry nw guxu nw aupkwru ]
Badhhaa chattee jo bharae naa gun naa oupakaar
Paying a fine under pressure, does not bring either merit or goodness.
syqI KusI svwrIAY nwnk kwrju swru ]3]
Saethee khusee savaareeai naanak kaaraj saar 3
That alone is a good deed, O Nanak, which is done by one's own free will. 3
mÚ 2 ]
ma 2
Second Mehla:
mnhiT qrP n ijpeI jy bhuqw Gwly ]
manehat(h) tharaf n jipee jae bahuthaa ghaalae
Stubborn-mindedness will not win the Lord to one's side, no matter how much it is tried.
qrP ijxY sq Bwau dy jn nwnk sbdu vIcwry ]4]
tharaf jinai sath bhaao dhae jan naanak sabadh veechaarae 4
The Lord is won over to your side, by offering Him your true love, O servant Nanak, and contemplating the Word of the Shabad. 4
pauVI ]
krqY kwrxu ijin kIAw so jwxY soeI ]
karathai kaaran jin keeaa so jaanai soee
The Creator created the world; He alone understands it.
Awpy isRsit aupweIAnu Awpy Puin goeI ]
aapae srisatt oupaaeean aapae fun goee
He Himself created the Universe, and He Himself shall destroy it afterwards.
jug cwry sB Biv QkI ikin kImiq hoeI ]
jug chaarae sabh bhav thhakee kin keemath hoee
All have grown weary of wandering throughout the four ages, but none know the Lord's worth.
siqguir eyku ivKwilAw min qin suKu hoeI ]
sathigur eaek vikhaaliaa man than sukh hoee
The True Guru has shown me the One Lord, and my mind and body are at peace.
gurmuiK sdw slwhIAY krqw kry su hoeI ]7]
guramukh sadhaa salaaheeai karathaa karae s hoee 7
The Gurmukh praises the Lord forever; that alone happens, which the Creator Lord does. 7
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