Wanted to share happy thoughts
But the thought of marriage scares me
I have never been more scared of anything else
The thought of being away from loved ones

Will the one take care of me?
My heart says yes but never been this scared of anything
Tear falls as I think of leaving the house I grew up in

Maharaj I am taking my beloved with me
You will be by my side but I have never been scared of anything
I always have faith in Maharaj but this time I doubt
How can I doubt you Maharaj?

But I am so scared
So scared
Silently I have read so many of your postings,
Being a watcher of all your accumulated thoughts,
At times I have screamed at the screen,
Other times I too am lost with your thoughts,
There are times when I wish I were there to hold you,
And others when all I want to do is scold you,
But make no mistakes oh heart of mine on how much you mean to me.
It was you who helped melt away the heart of ice I once had,
It was you who helped me become the person I am now,
You are the light in my life that inspires me to do my best.
I am no poet, nor am I a scholar. I am but a simple farmers son who has found a reason to enjoy life with you.
I know you will be giving up everything you once held so close and took for granted,
But you will gain a loving husband and caring friend at the expense,
Only Maharaj will ever truly know how much you mean to me and what I will do for you,
You already have my heart, all you have to do is say the word and my life is yours.
I yearn to spend a lifetime with you, laughing at the good times and holding you through the bad.
And maybe with Maharaj’s kirpa one day I can bow at the gates of heaven with you by my side.
This is a simple mans promise to you, that when I take you as my wife I will not allow you to shed another tear of sorrow, I will make sure you always show that contagious smile that stole my heart and turned a savage into a gentleman.
Forever yours
To the one...
I have no words to comment with
All I have is my promise
To you the one
When I take the vow of marriage
I thanks Maharaj for blessing us
I am glad I was shown the one..
Luv always...
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