My personal Hukamnama
My personal Hukamnama
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
hir crx kml kI tyk siqguir idqI quis kY bil rwm jIau ]
har charan kamal kee ttaek sathigur dhithee thus kai bal raam jeeo
The True Guru was satisfied with me, and blessed me with the Support of the Lord's Lotus Feet. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
hir AMimRiq Bry BMfwr sBu ikCu hY Gir iqs kY bil rwm jIau ]
har a(n)mrith bharae bha(n)ddaar sabh kishh hai ghar this kai bal raam jeeo
The Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is an overflowing treasure; everything is in His Home. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
bwbulu myrw vf smrQw krx kwrx pRBu hwrw ]
baabul maeraa vadd samarathhaa karan kaaran prabh haaraa
My Father is absolutely all-powerful. God is the Doer, the Cause of causes.
ijsu ismrq duKu koeI n lwgY Baujlu pwir auqwrw ]
jis simarath dhukh koee n laagai bhoujal paar outhaaraa
Remembering Him in meditation, pain does not touch me; thus I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
Awid jugwid Bgqn kw rwKw ausqiq kir kir jIvw ]
aadh jugaadh bhagathan kaa raakhaa ousathath kar kar jeevaa
In the beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Protector of His devotees. Praising Him continually, I live.
nwnk nwmu mhw rsu mITw Anidnu min qin pIvw ]1]
naanak naam mehaa ras meet(h)aa anadhin man than peevaa 1
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the sweetest and most sublime essence. Night and day, I drink it in with my mind and body. 1
hir Awpy ley imlwie ikau vyCoVw QIveI bil rwm jIau ]
har aapae leae milaae kio vaeshhorraa thheevee bal raam jeeo
The Lord unites me with Himself; how could I feel any separation? I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
ijs no qyrI tyk so sdw sd jIveI bil rwm jIau ]
jis no thaeree ttaek so sadhaa sadh jeevee bal raam jeeo
One who has Your Support lives forever and ever. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
qyrI tyk quJY qy pweI swcy isrjxhwrw ]
thaeree ttaek thujhai thae paaee saachae sirajanehaaraa
I take my support from You alone, O True Creator Lord.
ijs qy KwlI koeI nwhI AYsw pRBU hmwrw ]
jis thae khaalee koee naahee aisaa prabhoo hamaaraa
No one lacks this Support; such is my God.
sMq jnw imil mMglu gwieAw idnu rYin Aws qum@wrI ]
sa(n)th janaa mil ma(n)gal gaaeiaa dhin rain aas thumhaaree
Meeting with the humble Saints, I sing the songs of joy; day and night, I place my hopes in You.
sPlu drsu ByitAw guru pUrw nwnk sd bilhwrI ]2]
safal dharas bhaettiaa gur pooraa naanak sadh balihaaree 2
I have obtained the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of the Perfect Guru. Nanak is forever a sacrifice. 2
sMm@ilAw scu Qwnu mwnu mhqu scu pwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
sa(n)mhaliaa sach thhaan maan mehath sach paaeiaa bal raam jeeo
Contemplating, dwelling upon the Lord's true home, I receive honor, greatness and truth. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
siqguru imilAw dieAwlu gux AibnwsI gwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
sathigur miliaa dhaeiaal gun abinaasee gaaeiaa bal raam jeeo
Meeting the Merciful True Guru, I sing the Praises of the Imperishable Lord. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
gux goivMd gwau inq inq pRwx pRIqm suAwmIAw ]
gun govi(n)dh gaao nith nith praan preetham suaameeaa
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, continually, continuously; He is the Beloved Master of the breath of life.
suB idvs Awey gih kMiT lwey imly AMqrjwmIAw ]
subh dhivas aaeae gehi ka(n)t(h) laaeae milae a(n)tharajaameeaa
Good times have come; the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, has met me, and hugged me close in His Embrace.
squ sMqoKu vjih vwjy Anhdw Juxkwry ]
sath sa(n)thokh vajehi vaajae anehadhaa jhunakaarae
The musical instruments of truth and contentment vibrate, and the unstruck melody of the sound current resounds.
suix BY ibnwsy sgl nwnk pRB purK krxYhwry ]3]
sun bhai binaasae sagal naanak prabh purakh karanaihaarae 3
Hearing this, all my fears have been dispelled; O Nanak, God is the Primal Being, the Creator Lord. 3
aupijAw qqu igAwnu swhurY pyeIAY ieku hir bil rwm jIau ]
oupajiaa thath giaan saahurai paeeeai eik har bal raam jeeo
The essence of spiritual wisdom has welled up; in this world, and the next, the One Lord is pervading. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
bRhmY bRhmu imilAw koie n swkY iBMn kir bil rwm jIau ]
brehamai breham miliaa koe n saakai bhi(n)n kar bal raam jeeo
When God meets the God within the self, no one can separate them. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
ibsmu pyKY ibsmu suxIAY ibsmwdu ndrI AwieAw ]
bisam paekhai bisam suneeai bisamaadh nadharee aaeiaa
I gaze upon the Wondrous Lord, and listen to the Wondrous Lord; the Wondrous Lord has come into my vision.
jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI Git Git rihAw smwieAw ]
jal thhal meheeal pooran suaamee ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaaeiaa
The Perfect Lord and Master is pervading the water, the land and the sky, in each and every heart.
ijs qy aupijAw iqsu mwih smwieAw kImiq khxu n jwey ]
jis thae oupajiaa this maahi samaaeiaa keemath kehan n jaaeae
I have merged again into the One from whom I originated. The value of this cannot be described.
ijs ky clq n jwhI lKxy nwnk iqsih iDAwey ]4]2]
jis kae chalath n jaahee lakhanae naanak thisehi dhhiaaeae 42
Nanak meditates on Him. 42
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
hir crx kml kI tyk siqguir idqI quis kY bil rwm jIau ]
har charan kamal kee ttaek sathigur dhithee thus kai bal raam jeeo
The True Guru was satisfied with me, and blessed me with the Support of the Lord's Lotus Feet. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
hir AMimRiq Bry BMfwr sBu ikCu hY Gir iqs kY bil rwm jIau ]
har a(n)mrith bharae bha(n)ddaar sabh kishh hai ghar this kai bal raam jeeo
The Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is an overflowing treasure; everything is in His Home. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
bwbulu myrw vf smrQw krx kwrx pRBu hwrw ]
baabul maeraa vadd samarathhaa karan kaaran prabh haaraa
My Father is absolutely all-powerful. God is the Doer, the Cause of causes.
ijsu ismrq duKu koeI n lwgY Baujlu pwir auqwrw ]
jis simarath dhukh koee n laagai bhoujal paar outhaaraa
Remembering Him in meditation, pain does not touch me; thus I cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
Awid jugwid Bgqn kw rwKw ausqiq kir kir jIvw ]
aadh jugaadh bhagathan kaa raakhaa ousathath kar kar jeevaa
In the beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Protector of His devotees. Praising Him continually, I live.
nwnk nwmu mhw rsu mITw Anidnu min qin pIvw ]1]
naanak naam mehaa ras meet(h)aa anadhin man than peevaa 1
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the sweetest and most sublime essence. Night and day, I drink it in with my mind and body. 1
hir Awpy ley imlwie ikau vyCoVw QIveI bil rwm jIau ]
har aapae leae milaae kio vaeshhorraa thheevee bal raam jeeo
The Lord unites me with Himself; how could I feel any separation? I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
ijs no qyrI tyk so sdw sd jIveI bil rwm jIau ]
jis no thaeree ttaek so sadhaa sadh jeevee bal raam jeeo
One who has Your Support lives forever and ever. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
qyrI tyk quJY qy pweI swcy isrjxhwrw ]
thaeree ttaek thujhai thae paaee saachae sirajanehaaraa
I take my support from You alone, O True Creator Lord.
ijs qy KwlI koeI nwhI AYsw pRBU hmwrw ]
jis thae khaalee koee naahee aisaa prabhoo hamaaraa
No one lacks this Support; such is my God.
sMq jnw imil mMglu gwieAw idnu rYin Aws qum@wrI ]
sa(n)th janaa mil ma(n)gal gaaeiaa dhin rain aas thumhaaree
Meeting with the humble Saints, I sing the songs of joy; day and night, I place my hopes in You.
sPlu drsu ByitAw guru pUrw nwnk sd bilhwrI ]2]
safal dharas bhaettiaa gur pooraa naanak sadh balihaaree 2
I have obtained the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of the Perfect Guru. Nanak is forever a sacrifice. 2
sMm@ilAw scu Qwnu mwnu mhqu scu pwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
sa(n)mhaliaa sach thhaan maan mehath sach paaeiaa bal raam jeeo
Contemplating, dwelling upon the Lord's true home, I receive honor, greatness and truth. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
siqguru imilAw dieAwlu gux AibnwsI gwieAw bil rwm jIau ]
sathigur miliaa dhaeiaal gun abinaasee gaaeiaa bal raam jeeo
Meeting the Merciful True Guru, I sing the Praises of the Imperishable Lord. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
gux goivMd gwau inq inq pRwx pRIqm suAwmIAw ]
gun govi(n)dh gaao nith nith praan preetham suaameeaa
Sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, continually, continuously; He is the Beloved Master of the breath of life.
suB idvs Awey gih kMiT lwey imly AMqrjwmIAw ]
subh dhivas aaeae gehi ka(n)t(h) laaeae milae a(n)tharajaameeaa
Good times have come; the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, has met me, and hugged me close in His Embrace.
squ sMqoKu vjih vwjy Anhdw Juxkwry ]
sath sa(n)thokh vajehi vaajae anehadhaa jhunakaarae
The musical instruments of truth and contentment vibrate, and the unstruck melody of the sound current resounds.
suix BY ibnwsy sgl nwnk pRB purK krxYhwry ]3]
sun bhai binaasae sagal naanak prabh purakh karanaihaarae 3
Hearing this, all my fears have been dispelled; O Nanak, God is the Primal Being, the Creator Lord. 3
aupijAw qqu igAwnu swhurY pyeIAY ieku hir bil rwm jIau ]
oupajiaa thath giaan saahurai paeeeai eik har bal raam jeeo
The essence of spiritual wisdom has welled up; in this world, and the next, the One Lord is pervading. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
bRhmY bRhmu imilAw koie n swkY iBMn kir bil rwm jIau ]
brehamai breham miliaa koe n saakai bhi(n)n kar bal raam jeeo
When God meets the God within the self, no one can separate them. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.
ibsmu pyKY ibsmu suxIAY ibsmwdu ndrI AwieAw ]
bisam paekhai bisam suneeai bisamaadh nadharee aaeiaa
I gaze upon the Wondrous Lord, and listen to the Wondrous Lord; the Wondrous Lord has come into my vision.
jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI Git Git rihAw smwieAw ]
jal thhal meheeal pooran suaamee ghatt ghatt rehiaa samaaeiaa
The Perfect Lord and Master is pervading the water, the land and the sky, in each and every heart.
ijs qy aupijAw iqsu mwih smwieAw kImiq khxu n jwey ]
jis thae oupajiaa this maahi samaaeiaa keemath kehan n jaaeae
I have merged again into the One from whom I originated. The value of this cannot be described.
ijs ky clq n jwhI lKxy nwnk iqsih iDAwey ]4]2]
jis kae chalath n jaahee lakhanae naanak thisehi dhhiaaeae 42
Nanak meditates on Him. 42
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