How do I get to God?

It's amazing how Guru talks to you day in day out but some days that message seems more clear then others...
This morning whilst revising I came across Manvir Singh's blog on which he spoke about the Coventry camp for kids who wrote down some questions to Maharaj.
Tears sprang to my eyes as I saw the innocence of the kids...I showed the one. A question which kids can say so easily but we feel ashamed to explore or to find out deep within us.
Later that same afternoon I was listening to Keertan on you tube. I came across a video which sounded like Guruka from Sikhnet speaking so softly and gently.
This is what my Guru taught me. . .
Guru is inside of you
Guru is the frequency, the vibration, he is the one who touches your heart, your deep most inner feelings and soul.

Guru is the bell that rings when you see and hear the truth. The bell were the tears I heard this morning.
Guru is the most intimate feelings you feel to connect to Maharaj. Guru is the touchstone in your heart telling you your on the right path.

Guru gives me the secret. The secret formula to connect to my touchstone. Each formula is different and unique to every heart and touchstone.
Every secret will give the NAAM - that state of being, that universal and deep message. The NAAM you explore but remember Shabd Guru does not change but I can experience Maharaj through Shabd Guru, immersing myself in his every word.
Your Soul Bride awaits Maharaj

I can't get to Guru. Guru comes and finds me.....
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