*+*Happy Birthday Guru Angad Dev Ji*+*
***Today is Guru Ji's birthday...so happy birthday Maharaj***

I was watching the newly launched Sikh Channel and Bhai Manvir Singh Ji told the story of who spoke about the sakhi of Bhai Manj.
Wow what a Gursikh! A true disciple of Maharaj...
I am merely born into the Sikh faith I have not begged at the mercy of Maharaj for the gift of his Sikhi but day by day he is drawing me nearer...
The beautiful word of Maharaj...
Tera Kiya Meetha Lage,
Your actions seem so sweet to me

Har Naam Padarath Nanak Mange
Nanak begs for the treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord
Ang 394
Maharaj guide me please on the right path and to perform as Bhai Manj..without question and ego.

The important teachings of the Sikh Gurus that were followed zealously were SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT from the then prevalent religious practices of dominant religions in India.
These were, mainly the following –
a) Equality of man kind – caste system was abolished by the First Guru. The second Guru started the practice of langar where all people in a Gurudwara could assemble to meditate, irrespective of the caste, and cook, serve and eat food together. The soul of every human was considered respectable and no human being was considered inferior to another. As caste system was abolished amongst the followers of the Gurus, literacy for all was advocated.

b) Equality between a man and woman was practiced. Every woman was considered capable of meditation, self realization and following all religious practices. A woman could independently follow her religion and was not considered impure on any occasion as also the man. Therefore, women were prohibited from wearing a veil. Dowry was prohibited amongst the followers of the Gurus. Sati was prohibited and widow remarriage was encouraged.
c) Equality in work and need to work was prescribed for all followers as also sharing of their income and wealth. As dignity of labor was stressed, all walks of people gained their self-esteem and joined the new religion. The Guru himself would devote substantial time in charity and organize relief camps in famines and natural calamities. The Guru also abolished the priestly class.
d) Equality of and respect for all religions was emphasized. The emphasis of the Sikh philosophy was on meditation and purity of action, not on the rituals, pilgrimages and dogmas. Therefore, in the compositions that were accepted in Sri Guru Granth Sahib came from respectable saints that owed allegiance to Islam or to Hinduism. Precisely, that is why, the foundation stone of the Golden Temple was laid by a Muslim Faqir, in the presence of many established and respected Sikhs.

Source: http://guruarjandev.com/
Picture Source: Various
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