Tears for my Mum
I felt the urge again to see my Mum
I miss her so much
My heart yearns to be with her
She is all alone
Be with her Maharaj
Everytime she cries replace the tear with a smile
Hold her close and rock her to sleep
Be by her side Maharaj

I was looking on Sikhi to the Max to see if I could find a shabd that I could relate to Maharaj of how I am feeling.

They were all in relation to how these relations are fake and don't mean anything. They don't but it don't stop the pain. It don't stop the pain of being so far from her. The mother that puts you first before anything. The mother who makes you smile, the mother who will supress her feelings so you can be happy. Her happiness is when her kids are happy.
Tears are falling from my face. How will I live without seeing my Mum. I cannot do this Maharaj. I have lost all love from brothers, my Dad and my beautiful Mum for the love of just one husband. I sacrificed everything for him Maharaj. Be under no doubt I did it becuase of the Hukam. I took that leap of faith for you, because it said so in the hukam.

My Maharaj will take care of me no doubt but please protect my beautiful mother. May I no longer live but let my Mum have mukhti and let her soul be one with Ocean, be one with Waheguru.
I love you Mum. SO MUCH. You will never see or read this post but I know Maharaj will take care of you... he always has and he always will without a doubt.
I could never love again becuase all my love is for Mum, the purest soul I know...
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
sireeraag mehalaa 5
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:
pY pwie mnweI soie jIau ]
pai paae manaaee soe jeeo
I fall at His Feet to please and appease Him.

siqgur puriK imlwieAw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie jIau ]1] rhwau ]
sathigur purakh milaaeiaa this jaevadd avar n koe jeeo 1 rehaao
The True Guru has united me with the Lord, the Primal Being. There is no other as great as He. 1Pause
sathigur purakh milaaeiaa this jaevadd avar n koe jeeo 1 rehaao
The True Guru has united me with the Lord, the Primal Being. There is no other as great as He. 1Pause
gosweI imhMfw ieTVw ]
gosaaee mihanddaa eitharraa
The Lord of the Universe is my Sweet Beloved.
AMm Aby Qwvhu imTVw ]
anm abae thaavahu mitharraa
He is sweeter than my mother or father.
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