Wednesday, June 08, 2022

I don't want to carry on

This joke of a life
This facade or a fight
One battle I can do without
My heart is lost and no where to be found

You don't need me you have ur perfect life
Carry on so I will release you from these shackles as I do just pull u back
U deserve more kids deserve better
I can't do this no more

The fight I been battling is in my head 
It's one I cannot escape
My head whirls round and round
It wears me down to a point I will break 

My heart is so full from the weight of ur love
I have no where to go 
Nobody needs this sad fool
For misery is all I know

I never was like this I cared for everyone in my life
Now I'm exhausted and think of excuses to end my life 
Maharaj says if I end this now my soul has to stay but yet where do I go what do I say?

To whom do I turn where can I bury my face 
To lay my head in mother's lap and fall into an eternal sleep. I won't move I won't run but happily let my last breath go cos you know a mother's arms are the one where you feel loved and protected 

I feel so alone in a house full of ppl I feel like I stand alone. It's wearing me down day by day and I have no where to go....


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