Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thaerae choj viddaanaa
Sunday Morning
Sitting on the bed
Laptop with Gurbani FM

Beautiful Gurbani
Thaerae choj viddaanaa
Thaerae choj viddaanaa
Thaerae gun bahuthae mai eaek n jaaniaa mai moorakh kish dheejai
Pranavath naanak sun maerae saahibaa ddubadhaa pathar leejai
Thaerae choj viddaanaa

How beautiful is the word of your bani
Mere words cannot describe
Or even attempt to explain
The faith is there
5 months til the wedding
I get scared
But know you will take care of your daughter
Through your kirpa

Maharaj Kirpa
Thank you Maharaj for Sikhi to the Max II
soriT mhlw 1 duquky ]
sorath mehalaa 1 dhuthukae
Sorat'h, First Mehl, Du-Tukas:
puVu DrqI puVu pwxI Awsxu cwir kuMt caubwrw ]
purr dharathee purr paanee aasan chaar kuntt choubaaraa
In the realm of land, and in the realm of water, Your seat is the chamber of the four directions.
sgl Bvx kI mUriq eykw muiK qyrY tkswlw ]1]
sagal bhavan kee moorath eaekaa mukh thaerai ttakasaalaa 1
Yours is the one and only form of the entire universe; Your mouth is the mint to fashion all. 1
sagal bhavan kee moorath eaekaa mukh thaerai ttakasaalaa 1
Yours is the one and only form of the entire universe; Your mouth is the mint to fashion all. 1
myry swihbw qyry coj ivfwxw ]
maerae saahibaa thaerae choj viddaanaa
O my Lord Master, Your play is so wonderful!
maerae saahibaa thaerae choj viddaanaa
O my Lord Master, Your play is so wonderful!
jil Qil mhIAil Birpuir lIxw Awpy srb smwxw ] rhwau ]
jal thal meheeal bharipur leenaa aapae sarab samaanaa rehaao
You are pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; You Yourself are contained in all. Pause
jal thal meheeal bharipur leenaa aapae sarab samaanaa rehaao
You are pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; You Yourself are contained in all. Pause
jh jh dyKw qh joiq qumwrI qyrw rUpu iknyhw ]
jeh jeh dhaekhaa theh joth thumaaree thaeraa roop kinaehaa
Wherever I look, there I see Your Light, but what is Your form?
jeh jeh dhaekhaa theh joth thumaaree thaeraa roop kinaehaa
Wherever I look, there I see Your Light, but what is Your form?
iekqu rUip iPrih prCMnw koie n iks hI jyhw ]2]
eikath roop firehi parashannaa koe n kis hee jaehaa 2
You have one form, but it is unseen; there is none like any other. 2
eikath roop firehi parashannaa koe n kis hee jaehaa 2
You have one form, but it is unseen; there is none like any other. 2
AMfj jyrj auqBuj syqj qyry kIqy jMqw ]
anddaj jaeraj outhabhuj saethaj thaerae keethae janthaa
The beings born of eggs, born of the womb, born of the earth and born of sweat, all are created by You.
anddaj jaeraj outhabhuj saethaj thaerae keethae janthaa
The beings born of eggs, born of the womb, born of the earth and born of sweat, all are created by You.
eyku purbu mY qyrw dyiKAw qU sBnw mwih rvMqw ]3]
eaek purab mai thaeraa dhaekhiaa thoo sabhanaa maahi ravanthaa 3
I have seen one glory of Yours, that You are pervading and permeating in all. 3
eaek purab mai thaeraa dhaekhiaa thoo sabhanaa maahi ravanthaa 3
I have seen one glory of Yours, that You are pervading and permeating in all. 3
qyry gux bhuqy mY eyku n jwixAw mY mUrK ikCu dIjY ]
thaerae gun bahuthae mai eaek n jaaniaa mai moorakh kish dheejai
Your Glories are so numerous, and I do not know even one of them; I am such a fool - please, give me some of them!
thaerae gun bahuthae mai eaek n jaaniaa mai moorakh kish dheejai
Your Glories are so numerous, and I do not know even one of them; I am such a fool - please, give me some of them!
pRxviq nwnk suix myry swihbw fubdw pQru lIjY ]4]4]
pranavath naanak sun maerae saahibaa ddubadhaa pathar leejai 44
Prays Nanak, listen, O my Lord Master: I am sinking like a stone - please, save me! 44
pranavath naanak sun maerae saahibaa ddubadhaa pathar leejai 44
Prays Nanak, listen, O my Lord Master: I am sinking like a stone - please, save me! 44
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I passed with your kirpa Maharaj
Thank you Maharaj
I passed my exams all with your kirpa:
Law: 75%
Tax: 65%
That's kirpa
Thank you Maharaj
I passed my exams all with your kirpa:
Law: 75%
Tax: 65%
That's kirpa
Thank you Maharaj
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Veg Cooking
Great blog for Vege Cooking
Great for new brides 2 be who cannot cook (me) lol!
Great blog for Vege Cooking
Great for new brides 2 be who cannot cook (me) lol!