Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dream SB

It was so weird
Dream of faith
The past came to mind
One song replays - Bewafa

It is weird
Why has it entered my mind
I blame the song


Stolen 1984

You stole from us
Our men our women our kids
You stormed our holiest shrine
Sri Darbar Sahib

Watching the protest march
I have an unspoken link
Time after time
It comes to haunt

It frightens and enrages me
I feel so helpless
What can I do

To meet your saints is a blessing
Will we ever get insaaf?
We will NEVER FORGET 1984

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Take me away

Feel so sad
Feel so low
Exam was a mess
Nothing I can do

Pray to u
Show a miracle
Pls maharaj

Life is a mess
So just want my space
Want out of this life
So I can be with my Maharaj

I have a constant sick feeling
Tears have supressed
Behind the cover of eye make up
Why do u do this to me

Friday, June 11, 2010

Please Waheguru

Your daughter begs for forgiveness
Please let me pass Waheguru
This is my prayer

Aad Gureh Nameh
Jugaad Gureh Nameh
Satgureh Nameh
Sri Gurudeveh Nameh


Flying away
The right questions come up

Thankful they are
To u Maharaj
Wants to say
It is in your hands

This is the re-sit
Please let it
Fully qualified
Please Maharaj

I want to do sewa
I want to learn keerta
So much to do
Exams be preventative


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Come to guide me

I bow to u
With folded hands
Making one prayer
To be that accountant

How long to hv that title
I wish to help
As much as I can
Pls give me the chance

Thanks to you
You got me this far
You held my hand

Aukhi gharee na dekhan dehi
Apna biradh smaal
Apna biradh smaal

Prabh sio laag Rehoa mera cheet

Raaj academy


Tuesday, June 08, 2010

It is ur Hukam

With help of maharaj
With help of the one
Have come to realise it is your hukam

You are my mother
You are my father
Have come to realise it is your Hukam

I apologise
If it is meant to be
So will it be
Have come to realise it is ur Hukam

Pls Maharaj

I pray to you to let me pass to be that fully qualified accountant. It's all in your hands Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Pls see me through x

Did it again

Mahraj I did it again. I messed up the final question due to not having enough knowledge. Pls maharaj see me through. I just can't face seeing that paper again:(


I pray to u waheguru
Apologies Guru Gobind Singh Ji
Woke at 4am
Maharaj was here

Pls forgive me

Today is the day
The first exam
It's only through your kirpa
Pls get me through x

Monday, June 07, 2010

Qualification Marathon

Tuesday and Friday
As you know
Are the 2 days
That are dependent on me

Please I ask you to see me through
Be by my side
Get me through

I make this promise
The one from prior years
I want to make a difference
To stop me being selfish

Please Waheguru let me qualify...

Sunday, June 06, 2010


I am so thankful for this to be on my phone. Means I can connect whenever you may call x

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Dedicate my bd to Guru Tegh Bahadur

So I have turned 26 today.Wow where has time gone
Not achieved much so far

I make one birthday wish to you Maharaj
Please let me pass these final 2
Went to see my Guru and I was blessed
Hearing the voice of my 9th Guru
May I get through and get back into Sewa
The promiser I made 4 years ago
I want to uphold

Thank you for all your gifts

Salok Mahala 9
Sri Guru Granth SahibJ Ang 1426 - 1429

Salok Guru Teg Bahadur

<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik oankaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

slok mhlw 9 ]
salok mehalaa 9 ||
Shalok, Ninth Mehl:

gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ]
gun gobindh gaaeiou nehee janam akaarathh keen ||
If you do not sing the Praises of the Lord, your life is rendered useless.

khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1]
kahu naanak har bhaj manaa jih bidhh jal ko meen ||1||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; immerse your mind in Him, like the fish in the water. ||1||

ibiKAn isau kwhy ricE inmK n hoih audwsu ]
bikhian sio kaahae rachiou nimakh n hohi oudhaas ||
Why are you engrossed in sin and corruption? You are not detached, even for a moment!

khu nwnk Bju hir mnw prY n jm kI Pws ]2]
kahu naanak bhaj har manaa parai n jam kee faas ||2||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, and you shall not be caught in the noose of death. ||2||

qrnwpo ieau hI gieE lIE jrw qnu jIiq ]
tharanaapo eio hee gaeiou leeou jaraa than jeeth ||
Your youth has passed away like this, and old age has overtaken your body.

khu nwnk Bju hir mnw AauD jwqu hY bIiq ]3]
kahu naanak bhaj har manaa aoudhh jaath hai beeth ||3||
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord; your life is fleeting away! ||3||

ibriD BieE sUJY nhI kwlu phUicE Awin ]
biradhh bhaeiou soojhai nehee kaal pehoochiou aan ||
You have become old, and you do not understand that death is overtaking you.

khu nwnk nr bwvry ikau n BjY Bgvwnu ]4]
kahu naanak nar baavarae kio n bhajai bhagavaan ||4||
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you not remember and meditate on God? ||4||

Dnu dwrw sMpiq sgl ijin ApunI kir mwin ]
dhhan dhaaraa sanpath sagal jin apunee kar maan ||
Your wealth, spouse, and all the possessions which you claim as your own

ien mY kCu sMgI nhI nwnk swcI jwin ]5]
ein mai kashh sangee nehee naanak saachee jaan ||5||
- none of these shall go along with you in the end. O Nanak, know this as true. ||5||

piqq auDwrn BY hrn hir AnwQ ky nwQ ]

pathith oudhhaaran bhai haran har anaathh kae naathh ||
He is the Saving Grace of sinners, the Destroyer of fear, the Master of the masterless.

khu nwnk iqh jwnIAY sdw bsqu qum swiQ ]6]
kahu naanak thih jaaneeai sadhaa basath thum saathh ||6||
Says Nanak, realize and know Him, who is always with you. ||6||

qnu Dnu ijh qo kau dIE qW isau nyhu n kIn ]
than dhhan jih tho ko dheeou thaan sio naehu n keen ||
He has given you your body and wealth, but you are not in love with Him.

khu nwnk nr bwvry Ab ikau folq dIn ]7]
kahu naanak nar baavarae ab kio ddolath dheen ||7||
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you now shake and tremble so helplessly? ||7||

qnu Dnu sMpY suK dIE Aru ijh nIky Dwm ]
than dhhan sanpai sukh dheeou ar jih neekae dhhaam ||
He has given you your body, wealth, property, peace and beautiful mansions.

khu nwnk sunu ry mnw ismrq kwih n rwmu ]8]
kahu naanak sun rae manaa simarath kaahi n raam ||8||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: why don't you remember the Lord in meditation? ||8||

sB suK dwqw rwmu hY dUsr nwihn koie ]
sabh sukh dhaathaa raam hai dhoosar naahin koe ||
The Lord is the Giver of all peace and comfort. There is no other at all.

khu nwnk suin ry mnw iqh ismrq giq hoie ]9]
kahu naanak sun rae manaa thih simarath gath hoe ||9||
Says Nanak, listen, mind: meditating in remembrance on Him, salvation is attained. ||9||

Friday, June 04, 2010

Forever the Bride

Forever The Bride


Simran deepens.

Naam blossoms.




No words

Enunciate gratitude.

Naam saturates.

Magnetic silence

Jewels' union.

Friends question

This serenity.


The secret.

I tremble

I hide.

Eons ebb.

Eons flow.



Gur Shabad


Zephyr whispers.

Oceans sing.




Soul mates.

The secret

My Guru.

June 2, 2010

Bari der ho gayee veeraya

Bari Der
Jaz Dhami

Hun tabari der ho gayee mulaqat keeti nu... Bari der ho gayee veeraya ...
Dedicated to my brother

All I can say I am sorry

May Maharaj make me pass Waheguru so that I can enjoy but it will never be the same it?