Sunday, February 24, 2008

Seeing my Guru

I don't have the words to describe how I walked into Darbar Sahib today and My Guru spoke to me. He really did. How I thank you Maharaj for sikhi to the max. The words are so so special. Every word was drawing me closer and closer

The first step
The first glimpse
The first drawing
To my Guru

Guru Granth Sahib dressed in beautiful dress
The colour a bride's parents wear on her wedding
It was the first sign

I sat down and listened to keertan
Resounding within my heart
It was the second sign

I bowed before Maharaj
Tears began to fall
It was the third sign

I looked up to
The words echoed in my soul
It was the fourth sign

Maharaj said it is in the will of Waheguru
Was is to be is with his blessings

This Shabad is by Bhagat Naam Dev Ji in Raag Tilang on Pannaa 727

nwmdyv jI ]
naamadhaev jee
Naam Dayv Jee:
mY AMDuly kI tyk qyrw nwmu KuMdkwrw ]
mai a(n)dhhulae kee ttaek thaeraa naam khu(n)dhakaaraa
I am blind; Your Name, O Creator Lord, is my only anchor and support.

mY grIb mY mskIn qyrw nwmu hY ADwrw ]1] rhwau ]
mai gareeb mai masakeen thaeraa naam hai adhhaaraa 1 rehaao
I am poor, and I am meek. Your Name is my only support. 1Pause

krImW rhImW Alwh qU gnNØI ]
kareemaa(n) reheemaa(n) alaah thoo gana(n)aee
O beautiful Lord, benevolent and merciful Lord, You are so wealthy and generous.

hwjrw hjUir dir pyis qUM mnNØI ]1]
haajaraa hajoor dhar paes thoo(n) mana(n)aee 1
You are ever-present in every presence, within and before me. 1

drIAwau qU idhMd qU ibsIAwr qU DnI ]
dhareeaao thoo dhiha(n)dh thoo biseeaar thoo dhhanee
You are the river of life, You are the Giver of all; You are so very wealthy.

dyih lyih eyku qUM idgr ko nhI ]2]
dhaehi laehi eaek thoo(n) dhigar ko nehee 2
You alone give, and You alone take away; there is no other at all. 2

qUM dwnW qUM bInW mY bIcwru ikAw krI ]
thoo(n) dhaanaa(n) thoo(n) beenaa(n) mai beechaar kiaa karee
You are wise, You are the supreme seer; how could I make You an object of thought?

nwmy cy suAwmI bKsMd qUM hrI ]3]1]2]
naamae chae suaamee bakhasa(n)dh thoo(n) haree 312
O Lord and Master of Naam Dayv, You are the merciful Lord of forgiveness. 312

Even after I take my vows, Guru Maharaj, its customary to leave your parents. I refuse to leave my Guru. I will not let my Sikhi leave once I get married. haajaraa hajoor dhar paes thoo(n) mana(n)aee, your presence is all I need to make me smile.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Take this life

With my hands folded

I make this plea

I don't want this life no more

No more

I hang my head

This life has defeated me

I make this plea

I don't want this life no more

Please Maharaj

Let such an accident happen to me

To take me away from this world

I cannot bear the thought

Bear the thought of making so many people hurt

To join just one relatioship

To the one I will see you in the next life

The souls will become one

Not in this life time

We await the next

I will leave this earth loving u

More than life itself

I cannot be tested no more Maharaj

I don't have enough strength

I'm weak

Please take this life

I have died before in my sleep

Perhaps I should take something

But it's gota be in ur will

I beg you Maharaj

I wish for nothing more

I wish for you to take this life

I cannot go on like this

My time has come near

Let this sleep be my last

Let this blog be my last

For this soul yearns for you Waheguru

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Everytime the topic comes up

Everytime it's time

Everytime to take a step forward


There seems to be a fight in the house

Something to dampen my hopes

My dreams

Is this a sign Maharaj?

I don't wanna make anyone unhappy

Why does everything seem to..

..not happen?

I used to think I had made a mistake

But Guru Granth Sahib Ji gave me the answer

Still gives it to me

Every time, everytime.

Our time in this life is o so short

Every breath is counted

Every movement, every sound

Every feeling

One day there will be no more...

Results are out this scares me, makes me weak :(

Monday, February 11, 2008

"Nehee shhoddo rae baabaa raam naam"

This week is Valentine's Day

Or as a close friend says

Albatross day

Just one day to celebrate love

The true love we need to relate

To feel

To hear within the depths of the soul

To immerse within

I make this plea

To you mere Satguru

"nehee shhoddo rae baabaa raam naam"

The words are magical

The gifts of life are not infinite

The name of Maharaj brings bliss

For infinity

I am so far from this state

Never experienced such a state

How I long to become one

Not longing enough...


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Basant on Pannaa 1194
pRhlwd pTwey pVn swl ]
prehalaadh pat(h)aaeae parran saal
Prahlaad was sent to school.

sMig sKw bhu lIey bwl ]
sa(n)g sakhaa bahu leeeae baal
He took many of his friends along with him.

mo kau khw pV@wvis Awl jwl ]
mo ko kehaa parrhaavas aal jaal
He asked his teacher, ""Why do you teach me about worldly affairs?

myrI ptIAw iliK dyhu sRI guopwl ]1]
maeree patteeaa likh dhaehu sree guopaal 1
Write the Name of the Dear Lord on my tablet.""1

nhI Cofau ry bwbw rwm nwm ]
nehee shhoddo rae baabaa raam naam
O Baba, I will not forsake the Name of the Lord.

myro Aaur pV@n isau nhI kwmu ]1] rhwau ]
maero aour parrhan sio nehee kaam 1 rehaao
I will not bother with any other lessons. 1Pause

sMfY mrkY kihE jwie ]
sa(n)ddai marakai kehiou jaae
Sanda and Marka went to the king to complain.

pRhlwd bulwey byig Dwie ]
prehalaadh bulaaeae baeg dhhaae
He sent for Prahlaad to come at once.

qU rwm khn kI Cofu bwin ]
thoo raam kehan kee shhodd baan
He said to him, ""Stop uttering the Lord's Name.

quJu qurqu CfwaU myro kihE mwin ]2]
thujh thurath shhaddaaoo maero kehiou maan 2
I shall release you at once, if you obey my words.""2

mo kau khw sqwvhu bwr bwr ]
mo ko kehaa sathaavahu baar baar
Prahlaad answered, ""Why do you annoy me, over and over again?

pRiB jl Ql igir kIey phwr ]
prabh jal thhal gir keeeae pehaar
God created the water, land, hills and mountains.

ieku rwmu n Cofau gurih gwir ]
eik raam n shhoddo gurehi gaar
I shall not forsake the One Lord; if I did, I would be going against my Guru.

mo kau Gwil jwir BwvY mwir fwir ]3]
mo ko ghaal jaar bhaavai maar ddaar 3
You might as well throw me into the fire and kill me.""3

kwiF KVgu koipE irswie ]
kaadt kharrag kopiou risaae
The king became angry and drew his sword.

quJ rwKnhwro moih bqwie ]
thujh raakhanehaaro mohi bathaae
"Show me your protector now!"

pRB QMB qy inksy kY ibsQwr ]
prabh thha(n)bh thae nikasae kai bisathhaar
So God emerged out of the pillar, and assumed a mighty form.

hrnwKsu CyidE nK ibdwr ]4]
haranaakhas shhaedhiou nakh bidhaar 4
He killed Harnaakhash, tearing him apart with his nails. 4

Eie prm purK dyvwiD dyv ]
oue param purakh dhaevaadhh dhaev
The Supreme Lord God, the Divinity of the divine,

Bgiq hyiq nrisMG Byv ]
bhagath haeth narasi(n)gh bhaev
for the sake of His devotee, assumed the form of the man-lion.

kih kbIr ko lKY n pwr ]
kehi kabeer ko lakhai n paar
Says Kabeer, no one can know the Lord's limits.

pRhlwd auDwry Aink bwr ]5]4]
prehalaadh oudhhaarae anik baar 54
He saves His devotees like Prahlaad over and over again. 54

Sunday, February 03, 2008

...feeling of doubt

Feel this feeling of doubt
Was this the one?
Why the negativity?
What is wrong?

Don't wana go
Can't turn back
I though this was it?