Wednesday, June 08, 2022

I don't want to carry on

This joke of a life
This facade or a fight
One battle I can do without
My heart is lost and no where to be found

You don't need me you have ur perfect life
Carry on so I will release you from these shackles as I do just pull u back
U deserve more kids deserve better
I can't do this no more

The fight I been battling is in my head 
It's one I cannot escape
My head whirls round and round
It wears me down to a point I will break 

My heart is so full from the weight of ur love
I have no where to go 
Nobody needs this sad fool
For misery is all I know

I never was like this I cared for everyone in my life
Now I'm exhausted and think of excuses to end my life 
Maharaj says if I end this now my soul has to stay but yet where do I go what do I say?

To whom do I turn where can I bury my face 
To lay my head in mother's lap and fall into an eternal sleep. I won't move I won't run but happily let my last breath go cos you know a mother's arms are the one where you feel loved and protected 

I feel so alone in a house full of ppl I feel like I stand alone. It's wearing me down day by day and I have no where to go....

Saturday, June 04, 2022

38 but 9 of which without you

Birthdays never are the same 
Mum would want to serve and please 
What special dish shall I make?
For it is that question for which my heart aches 
It will always be just another day
For she used to say it's about the kids
But I wanted to spoil her
Yet I feel I'm not worthy 

Mum is thr biggest advocate for her children
In her eyes we were all innocent and she would put herself in their shoes
Her heart was pure. Purest of the pure
Her hugs her warmth her beautiful aroma
Fresh all encompassing Mother 
No need for anyone else
My complete world. My All.
There's a sadness I carry within the depths of my soul 
Yearning to be just one with her soul 
She will come to get me that's the reason I carry on
Just one glimpse one hug from my heart
Love you from the depths of my soul for eternity and beyond. 

Wednesday, June 01, 2022

RIP Sidhu Moosewala

Ni ehda uthuga jawani ch janaja mithiye (The funeral will happen in youth).