Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Vaisakhi 2011 :o)

On the rolling hills of Anandpur in 1699...

my hawk bearing master unsheathed a sword and let it shine.. from this very moment the lion within was awoken.. a body could be sawn alive but the faith would never be broken... such is the Khalsa that to this age remains true.... in its glory i wish a Happy Vaisakhi!

aisee kirapaa mohi karahu

This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 828

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ] bilaaval mehalaa 5 Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla: AYsI ikrpw moih krhu ] aisee kirapaa mohi karahu Bless me with such mercy, Lord, I stand with folded hands, eyes closed, gazing at my Guru....trying to connect...loving the shabd, each and every is what I sang home

sMqh crx hmwro mwQw nYn drsu qin DUir prhu ]1] rhwau ] sa(n)theh charan hamaaro maathhaa nain dharas than dhhoor parahu 1 rehaao that my forehead may touch the feet of the Saints, and my eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, and my body may fall at the dust of their feet. 1Pause What an amazing concept...that I can feel close to your saints...merely reading makes me want to be close even more

gur ko sbdu myrY hIArY bwsY hir nwmw mn sMig Drhu ] gur ko sabadh maerai heearai baasai har naamaa man sa(n)g dhharahu May the Word of the Guru's Shabad abide within my heart, and the Lord's Name be enshrined within my mind. Always and forever can the shabd be alive in my heart...

qskr pMc invwrhu Twkur sglo Brmw hoim jrhu ]1] thasakar pa(n)ch nivaarahu t(h)aakur sagalo bharamaa hom jarahu 1 Drive out the five thieves, O my Lord and Master, and let my doubts all burn like incense. 1 Doubt is there that I will not be able to conceive but I pray to you Waheguru

jo qum@ krhu soeI Bl mwnY Bwvnu duibDw dUir trhu ] jo thumh karahu soee bhal maanai bhaavan dhubidhhaa dhoor ttarahu Whatever You do, I accept as good; I have driven out the sense of duality. It is in your hands

nwnk ky pRB qum hI dwqy sMqsMig ly moih auDrhu ]2]3]119] naanak kae prabh thum hee dhaathae sa(n)thasa(n)g lae mohi oudhharahu 23119 You are Nanak's God, the Great Giver; in the Congregation of the Saints, emancipate me. 23119 Please aisee kirapaa mohi karahu KDP 15 *****Happy Vaisakhi*****

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

*Happy International Turban Day*

I love the One's dastaar
When he smiles
When he laughs
His Dastaar does too

When he is sad
To me his Dastaar
Lifts him up
Up to being Maharaj's son

Love the One's dastaar
Hope one day I can wear the dastaar
My true crown
Where I want to be.......

Turban Adventure

My turban is
having one of those days;
in an awkward phase,
tied ten different ways,
causing eyebrows to raise
and eyeballs to gaze.

My turban is
proof that persistence pays.

My turban is
a celestial smile,
beaming for miles and miles;
an eternal style,
not some casual trial
by a fickle child.

My turban is
always worth my while.

My turban is
a spiritual facelift,
suave and swift;
a fabric forklift,
fit to uplift
over every rift.

My turban is
Guru Gobind Singh’s gift.

My turban is
a cool, sacred sheet,
wrapped pleat by pleat,
nice and neat;
a warm, winding street,
leading me to the Guru’s feet.

My turban is
now complete.

Harmohanjit Singh Pandher
Burnaby, BC, Canada


Friday, April 08, 2011

Dedicated to Akaal Purakh

Teri Deewani Always and forever Maharaj