Rajan ke Raja
kibqu ] qÍ pRswid ]
kabith | thav prasaadh |
CqRDwrI CqRIpiq CYl rUp iCqnwQ COxI kr CwieAw br CqRIpq gweIAY ]
shathradhaaree shathreepath shail roop shithanaath shaanee kar shaaeiaa bar shathreepath gaaeeai |
He is sung as the canopied monarch, the Lord of canopies, a winsome entity, the Master and Creator of the earth and the superb support.
ibsunwQ ibsÍMBr bydnwQ bwlwkr bwjIgir bwn DwrI bMD n bqweIAY ]
bisunaath bisavanbhar baedhanaath baalaakar baajeegar baan dhaaree bandh n bathaaeeai |
He is the Lord Sustainer of the Universe, Master of Vedas depicted as Lord having discipline.
inaulI krm dUDwDwrI ibidAwDr bRhmcwrI iDAwn ko lgwvY nYk iDAwn hUM n pweIAY ]
nioulee karam dhoodhaadhaaree bidhiaadhar brehamachaaree dhiaan ko lagaavai naik dhiaan hoon n paaeeai |
The Yogis performing Neoli Karma (cleansing of intestines), those subsisting only on milk, learned and celibates, all meditate upon Him, but without an iota of getting His comprehension.
rwjn ky rwjw mhwrwjn ky mhwrwjw AYso rwj Coif Aaur dUjw kaun iDAweIAY ]3]42]
raajan kae raajaa mehaaraajan kae mehaaraajaa aiso raaj shodd aour dhoojaa koun dhiaaeeai |3|42|
He is the king of kings and emperor of emperors, Who else should be meditated upon, forsaking such a Supreme monarch?.3.42.
kabith | thav prasaadh |
CqRDwrI CqRIpiq CYl rUp iCqnwQ COxI kr CwieAw br CqRIpq gweIAY ]
shathradhaaree shathreepath shail roop shithanaath shaanee kar shaaeiaa bar shathreepath gaaeeai |
He is sung as the canopied monarch, the Lord of canopies, a winsome entity, the Master and Creator of the earth and the superb support.
ibsunwQ ibsÍMBr bydnwQ bwlwkr bwjIgir bwn DwrI bMD n bqweIAY ]
bisunaath bisavanbhar baedhanaath baalaakar baajeegar baan dhaaree bandh n bathaaeeai |
He is the Lord Sustainer of the Universe, Master of Vedas depicted as Lord having discipline.
inaulI krm dUDwDwrI ibidAwDr bRhmcwrI iDAwn ko lgwvY nYk iDAwn hUM n pweIAY ]
nioulee karam dhoodhaadhaaree bidhiaadhar brehamachaaree dhiaan ko lagaavai naik dhiaan hoon n paaeeai |
The Yogis performing Neoli Karma (cleansing of intestines), those subsisting only on milk, learned and celibates, all meditate upon Him, but without an iota of getting His comprehension.
rwjn ky rwjw mhwrwjn ky mhwrwjw AYso rwj Coif Aaur dUjw kaun iDAweIAY ]3]42]
raajan kae raajaa mehaaraajan kae mehaaraajaa aiso raaj shodd aour dhoojaa koun dhiaaeeai |3|42|
He is the king of kings and emperor of emperors, Who else should be meditated upon, forsaking such a Supreme monarch?.3.42.