Friday, November 28, 2008

Guide us Maharaj

Don't want to get caught in the greed

Yet want to give ourselves a good start

We beg for your forgiveness

Please protect us

Maharaj, you have blessed me with the one

The One I wanted

The One Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave me

His son

Guide us Maharaj. . .

Less then a week until the first exam, please be with me Waheguru

Friday, November 21, 2008

*-*Thank You*-*

That time of year again

I feel so thankful

The wishes made have been granted

With your kirpa

Thank you so much Maharaj.

Mere words cannot express how much Maharaj does for us. Through each and every step Maharaj is there guiding us...Everyday he talks us through his disciples, through Keertan through the word...

I have just recently come back from India and I was saying to the one, why is it in India I dnt feel Sikhi. Why am I not feeling Maharaj in the dharti that the Gurus walked upon? Why do I feel so distant from Waheguru when I should feel the closest in the Motherland?

I dnt have the answers. I am just one to question. Thank you for being born in the West n still letting me understand the importance of your Keertan, your love you...

10 weeks left till I get married...thank you to the one for putting up with me....

Friday, November 14, 2008

To my Father

rwgu mwJ mhlw 5 ]
raag maajh mehalaa 5
Raag Maajh, Fifth Mehl:

sw ruiq suhwvI ijqu quDu smwlI ]
saa ruth suhaavee jith thudh samaalee
Sweet is that season when I remember You.

so kMmu suhylw jo qyrI GwlI ]
so kanm suhaelaa jo thaeree ghaalee
Sublime is that work which is done for You.

so irdw suhylw ijqu irdY qUM vuTw sBnw ky dwqwrw jIau ]1]
so ridhaa suhaelaa jith ridhai thoon vuthaa sabhanaa kae dhaathaaraa jeeo 1
Blessed is that heart in which You dwell, O Giver of all. 1

qUM swJw swihbu bwpu hmwrw ]
thoon saajhaa saahib baap hamaaraa
You are the Universal Father of all, O my Lord and Master.

nau iniD qyrY AKut BMfwrw ]
no nidh thaerai akhutt bhanddaaraa
Your nine treasures are an inexhaustible storehouse.

ijsu qUM dyih su iqRpiq AGwvY soeI Bgqu qumwrw jIau ]2]
jis thoon dhaehi s thripath aghaavai soee bhagath thumaaraa jeeo 2
Those unto whom You give are satisfied and fulfilled; they become Your devotees, Lord. 2

sBu ko AwsY qyrI bYTw ]
sabh ko aasai thaeree baithaa
All place their hopes in You.

Gt Gt AMqir qUMhY vuTw ]
ghatt ghatt anthar thoonhai vuthaa
You dwell deep within each and every heart.

sBy swJIvwl sdwiein qUM iksY n idsih bwhrw jIau ]3]
sabhae saajheevaal sadhaaein thoon kisai n dhisehi baaharaa jeeo 3
All share in Your Grace; none are beyond You. 3

qUM Awpy gurmuiK mukiq krwieih ]
thoon aapae guramukh mukath karaaeihi
You Yourself liberate the Gurmukhs;

qUM Awpy mnmuiK jnim Bvwieih ]
thoon aapae manamukh janam bhavaaeihi
You Yourself consign the self-willed manmukhs to wander in reincarnation.

nwnk dws qyrY bilhwrY sBu qyrw Kylu dswhrw jIau ]4]2]9]
naanak dhaas thaerai balihaarai sabh thaeraa khael dhasaaharaa jeeo 429
Slave Nanak is a sacrifice to You; Your Entire Play is self-evident, Lord. 429

You are the Universal Father of all, O my Lord and Master. Please help your daughter Maharaj...need your advice and support so much