Gur Mere Sang...
'Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae ||'
My Guru is always with me, near at hand.
Be Mum's support
I watched the tears fall
I am so helpless

I bow before you
Please ease the situation
It is so difficult
This 'khel' you play
A mother holds a baby for 9 months
Hugs him, cares for him
Holds him close
Not to let anything harm
In an instant he will go
In an instant its gone
Tears my heart
To see Mum hurt
Please Waheguru. The ONE person you have blessed us with, I cannot see her hurt. She is crying out for you Maharaj. Bless her with your grace. Bless her with your strength. Bless her with your darshan! She needs you Maharaj. She NEEDS you...
My Guru is always with me, near at hand.
Be Mum's support
I watched the tears fall
I am so helpless

I bow before you
Please ease the situation
It is so difficult
This 'khel' you play
A mother holds a baby for 9 months
Hugs him, cares for him
Holds him close
Not to let anything harm
In an instant he will go
In an instant its gone
Tears my heart
To see Mum hurt

Please Waheguru. The ONE person you have blessed us with, I cannot see her hurt. She is crying out for you Maharaj. Bless her with your grace. Bless her with your strength. Bless her with your darshan! She needs you Maharaj. She NEEDS you...