So much anger
So many feelings
Feelings of anguish
Feelings of hate
Why is it the ones closest to you cause the most pain?
Why is it when it comes to my time why does family seem to obstruct?
Why must I live in such negativity?
Why do I hide away and pretend it does not exist?
Feel far from you
Feel so alone
Feel nobody understands
Feel nobody cares
I turn to you
I turn to you Maharaj
You give me all the answers
I bow to you Waheguru
Today's HukamSorat'h:
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
What can be said about our One Universal Creator Lord. Without your grace we are nothing Maharaj.
bBhu parapa(n)ch kar par dhhan liaavai
Practicing great hypocrisy, he acquires the wealth of others.
Last week I did not take the time out to pray to you Maharaj. I was so pre-occupied in 'work' stuff that I sacrificed my spiritual wealth for wealth of Maya. I am such a fool. I become so entangled with this world and forget about the importance of why I am here. Then I get days like today where I feel so far from Maharaj. I have no right to complain. I bought this upon myself. I was the one who didn't pray. I was the one who chose to ignore my Guru. I am so so so sorry Maharaj. The pain of separation I cannot handle no more.
suth dhaaraa pehi aan luttaavai 1
Returning home, he squanders it on his wife and children. 1
I returned home and waste this wealth on family. Wealth that does no matter. The real wealth i choose to ignore.

man maerae bhoolae kapatt n keejai
O my mind, do not practice deception, even inadvertently.
I tried to deceive myself. I thought Japji was not important. I did it knowing full well i was going to regret my decision. It didn't happen inadvertently. I wish it had. I didn't make the time for my Guru. The week I was away from home I let myself forget my Guru.
a(n)th nibaeraa thaerae jeea pehi leejai 1 rehaao
In the end, your own soul shall have to answer for its account. 1Pause
Maharaj says all your actions here are recorded on your soul. Your soul is to answer for all your deeds. Think about it. I feel so sad today. My soul is crying. No tear slips from my eyes but inside that longing, that yearning to be with you, to talk to you wells up. I am so sorry Maharaj.
shhin shhin than shheejai jaraa janaavai
Moment by moment, the body is wearing away, and old age is asserting itself.
I am 22. I feel as if I am so young but in reality I have not accomplished anything in life. Yes I have been to university. I am still studying. But what use is this when I forget my WAHEGURU. What use is anything? Time is running out. I know I don't have long to live. May Maharaj bless me with his kirpa to rise early and remember my father.
thab thaeree ouk koee paaneeou n paavai 2
And then, when you are old, no one shall pour water into your cup. 2
kehath kabeer koee nehee thaeraa
Says Kabeer, no one belongs to you.
Nobody belongs to me. I do not belong to anyone. I belong to only one. Maharaj. I want to belong to you.

hiradhai raam kee n japehi savaeraa 39
Why not chant the Lord's Name in your heart, when you are still young? 39
Allow me to chant your name. Allow me Maharaj to awake early. Your daughter makes this Ardaas. Please Maharaj.