Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Question

Today I went to a lunch with a collegue
He posed a question

A question to answer
A question to think
A question to ask
A question to make your heart sink

An intriguing question
A beautiful question
A question of hope
A meaningful question

A question that made me cry
A question of life
A question of love
A question of truth

What does Maharaj want from me; How do I make Maharaj happy?

I turn to you Maharaj. Your Sikhi is too great. Your Sikhi has all the answers but how do I answer this... I bow to you Maharaj...ONLY YOU..please help me answer this...I NEED to know...it is only through your kirpa Waheguru....

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Feel so so far

I don't know what to write
I want to just lay my head in your lap
Talk to you
Feel so so far

I miss you
I seriously do
I don't know where to go
I turn to you

I feel as if I am not worthy
Worthy of your love
Feel guilty not to make time for you
Feel so so far

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Guru and the Beloved - the key to realisation

I got this in an email...from my bro Rishipal Singh:


Haven't sent anything out in a while so im guessing you guys have had a break but any way thought I would break my silence.

One thought has been caressing my mind lately.

My dad as a child once asked me the question if God and Guru Nanak Dev Ji were standing side by side(Lets just assume for a second that this is happening and that they are different entities) then who would you bow before?

I thought this was such a silly question and didn't pay much attention I don't think I gave much thought to it, I don't think I gave a reply. I was as stubborn then as I am now. My dad then went walking in the corridor reciting something which I thought to be bani.

After many years I then heard it again and all of a sudden like a wave smashing against the cliffs of Dover, the understanding came. I realised what I was hearing and i recalled this story from my childhood. Since then every day all I have thought about is that line. The line I will now share with you. Many of you would know this line already, many may not, many wont care and many perhaps wont understand like me.

So I repeat the question If God and Guru were standing side by side who would you fall infront of? What would be your answer?

Bhagat Kabir Sahib Says.

Gur Gobind Dono Khare, Kis kai lago paye, Balhari Gur Apnai Jin Gobind Diya Milaye.

The Guru and God are standing side by side, to whom do I fall infront of? I will die in front of my Guru who has united me with my Lord.

Before those of us who are sikh start running to sikhitothemax (assuming this is what you would do) this is not in Guru Granth Sahib but is a part of Kabirs dohay. Writings from Kabirs later work. His earlier work according to some is what is included in Guru Granth Sahib. The Message is a profound and its realisation beyond words.

So why has Kabir Ji said this? Why did Kabir, Guru Nanak, Bulleh Shah, Farid Ji et al place so much emphasis on a Guru?

Guru Granth Sahib says

Guru Bhin Ghor Andar, Guru Bin Samaj Na Avai

Without the Guru there is utter darkness, Without the Guru understanding and wisdom is not achieved.

Ego is a disease that is inflicted on the mind. It allows a veil of ignorance to exist. It blocks the reasoning of the individual to realise who and what it really is and what it was once apart of. To realise who and what we really are, to realise that we are nothing but the energy,the virbration, the colour, the beauty the music, the image of God, we must first lose the ego that tries to delude us.

How do we lose this Ego?

Through the blessings and the teachings and the expression as shown by the Guru. This Guru for Sikhs is Guru Granth Sahib, for Hindus it is the message as contained in shastras simratees and puranas as evaluated in the upinshads and the Geeta, for the Muslim it is the Quran and the ways of the Prophet (pbuh) as described in the Hadiths and for the Christian it is the teachings of Jesus as documented in the Bible.

The Guru is needed to show the way, to lose the ego so one can use the gifts given to them and to look within them and feel and experience this resonance they truly are.

So why bow infront of the Guru when meeting God?

The Guru has guided you throughout the hard times. It is through the Gurus instruction we have found our Beloved. But in seconds ego can make its return. It is the final test of ego. For even in the dying stages it can return. The Guru has got us so far and then at the end the soul can still forget and then again it will wander around perturbed for the ego has allowed the soul to seperate again. But without the Guru this realisation would not have come. This is why Kabir says.

Balhari Gur apnai jin Gobind diya milai.

I'll bow to my Guru who is the one who merged me with my Beloved. Who showed me the way home. It is the Guru who leads us there for the Guru and the Beloved are one.
Gur Parmesar Ekho jaan.

Thanks for reading."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I love you, Mum

Feel so empty
Feel not to smile
Feel you here
Wish I was with you

We underestimate the part our Mum plays in our lives
The love of a mother we can never understand
I pray for your safety
"Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae"

It up to you Maharaj
It is all in your hands
A safe, enjoyable trip
Please take care of your Saint

Please take care of my Mum
"Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae"

As always Guru Granth Sahib Ji always knows what I am feeling. Guru Ji knows what everyone is feeling and thinking and a beautiful Hukam he shares with us:

Sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:

a(n)thar kee gath thum hee jaanee thujh hee paahi nibaero ||
Only You know the state of my innermost self; You alone can judge me.
This world will always have something to say about all my affairs but at the end of the day there is only ONE Akaal Purakh, there is only you Maharaj, there is only you who can judge me.

bakhas laihu saahib prabh apanae laakh khathae kar faero ||1||
Please forgive me, O Lord God Master; I have committed thousands of sins and mistakes. ||1||
Each and every day Waheguru, I committ many sins. I forget you far too often especially during the working week.

prabh jee thoo maero t(h)aakur naero ||
O my Dear Lord God Master, You are always near me.
Today if I had to sum up how I am feeling it has to be "Gur maerai sa(n)g sadhaa hai naalae". You are always near me Maharaj. A friend of mine always re-iterates this to me when I am feeling down or feeling far from Maharaj. Her smile and radiant face always reminds me to think of my Guru. It is through her beautiful eyes I see Waheguru. She does not realise how many people she inspires just by her presence around Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

har charan saran mohi chaero ||1|| rehaao ||
O Lord, please bless Your disciple with the shelter of Your feet. ||1||Pause||
This Rahaao 'tuk' is dedicated to my Mum. Today the only prayer is for my Mum. Please bless her Maharaj with your kirpa. She has your support, she has you by her side. Hold her hand and guide her. Thank you Maharaj.

baesumaar baea(n)th suaamee oocho gunee gehaero ||
Infinite and endless is my Lord and Master; He is lofty, virtuous and profoundly deep.
What more can I say? Mere words cannot describe you Maharaj.

kaatt silak keeno apuno dhaasaro tho naanak kehaa nihoro ||2||7||35||
Cutting away the noose of death, the Lord has made Nanak His slave, and now, what does he owe to anyone else? ||2||7||35||

Thursday, October 19, 2006

One Wish

Has it ever happened to you?
You think of something
Within no time
One wish is fulfilled

Someting so small
Something so beautiful
Something that touches your heart
One wish is fulfilled

That fulfiller of all wishes is One
That fulfiller is our Father
That fulfiller looks after us at every step
One wish is fulfilled

Yesterday morning I was not feeling well. I had a really bad stomach ache and just needed a good cup of cha just to soothe the pain a little. I woke up craving cha. I thought to myself so need some tea. Usually I go down before Mum but yesterday morning, I went down and there in a cup was a beautiful gift from Maharaj...my cha! I stood at the sink and just smiled. I thanked Maharaj and smiled. One small wish made and granted with his kirpa. You may laugh and think it is so minor. But its when events like these happen, you appreciate Maharaj. Lately I have been feeling like Maharaj is not talking to me. But that cha proved to me my Waheguru will always be there, its me that turns my back on him. These 'One Wish' moments happen to all of us...next time it happens to you...recognise it as Maharaj...recognise it as Waheguru communicating with you....

It happened again this morning. This time I was craving toast! But the wish was made so subtly in my mind. But made from an honest heart. I didn't have any expectation from Maharaj.

Isn't that true love?
When you have no expectation from the other?
When you truly love from the heart?
When without realising the lover will fulful your every wish without you even speaking... that's Maharaj...that's Waheguru....

I Love You Maharaj...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Precious time

So much anger
So many feelings
Feelings of anguish
Feelings of hate

Why is it the ones closest to you cause the most pain?
Why is it when it comes to my time why does family seem to obstruct?
Why must I live in such negativity?
Why do I hide away and pretend it does not exist?

Feel far from you
Feel so alone
Feel nobody understands
Feel nobody cares

I turn to you
I turn to you Maharaj
You give me all the answers
I bow to you Waheguru

Today's Hukam

ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
What can be said about our One Universal Creator Lord. Without your grace we are nothing Maharaj.

bBhu parapa(n)ch kar par dhhan liaavai
Practicing great hypocrisy, he acquires the wealth of others.
Last week I did not take the time out to pray to you Maharaj. I was so pre-occupied in 'work' stuff that I sacrificed my spiritual wealth for wealth of Maya. I am such a fool. I become so entangled with this world and forget about the importance of why I am here. Then I get days like today where I feel so far from Maharaj. I have no right to complain. I bought this upon myself. I was the one who didn't pray. I was the one who chose to ignore my Guru. I am so so so sorry Maharaj. The pain of separation I cannot handle no more.

suth dhaaraa pehi aan luttaavai 1
Returning home, he squanders it on his wife and children. 1
I returned home and waste this wealth on family. Wealth that does no matter. The real wealth i choose to ignore.

man maerae bhoolae kapatt n keejai
O my mind, do not practice deception, even inadvertently.
I tried to deceive myself. I thought Japji was not important. I did it knowing full well i was going to regret my decision. It didn't happen inadvertently. I wish it had. I didn't make the time for my Guru. The week I was away from home I let myself forget my Guru.

a(n)th nibaeraa thaerae jeea pehi leejai 1 rehaao
In the end, your own soul shall have to answer for its account. 1Pause
Maharaj says all your actions here are recorded on your soul. Your soul is to answer for all your deeds. Think about it. I feel so sad today. My soul is crying. No tear slips from my eyes but inside that longing, that yearning to be with you, to talk to you wells up. I am so sorry Maharaj.

shhin shhin than shheejai jaraa janaavai
Moment by moment, the body is wearing away, and old age is asserting itself.
I am 22. I feel as if I am so young but in reality I have not accomplished anything in life. Yes I have been to university. I am still studying. But what use is this when I forget my WAHEGURU. What use is anything? Time is running out. I know I don't have long to live. May Maharaj bless me with his kirpa to rise early and remember my father.

thab thaeree ouk koee paaneeou n paavai 2
And then, when you are old, no one shall pour water into your cup. 2

kehath kabeer koee nehee thaeraa
Says Kabeer, no one belongs to you.
Nobody belongs to me. I do not belong to anyone. I belong to only one. Maharaj. I want to belong to you.

hiradhai raam kee n japehi savaeraa 39
Why not chant the Lord's Name in your heart, when you are still young? 39
Allow me to chant your name. Allow me Maharaj to awake early. Your daughter makes this Ardaas. Please Maharaj.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Lost Connection

Jis no thoo jaanaaeihi soee jan jaanai
They alone understand, whom You inspire to understand

I make a humble Ardas to you Maharaj
It is only through your kirpa
Please bless me with your grace to attain that understanding
Please inspire me to understand

Avar kaaj thaerai kithai n kaam
Nothing else will work.
Why do I kid myself?
Why did I let myself be far
Why is it so hard to get that connection back again
Is it becuase I lacked such negativity?

Janam brithhaa jaath ra(n)g maaeiaa kai 1 Rahaao
You are squandering this life uselessly in the love of Maya. 1Pause

I pause and think
Maharaj is saying stop wasting your life in Maya
But to love someone with all my heart
Is that Maya?

Friday, October 13, 2006

I'm Sorry

For whole week I hardly prayed
I hardly thought of you
I hardly thanked you
This always happens when I am away from home

Does that mean I do not love you from the depths of my soul?
Does this mean my love is fake?
Does that mean I preoccupy myself with Maya?
Does this mean my existence is of no use?

I hear one song
I sit and listen

Sanu Ik Pal Chain Na Aaveh, Sajana Tere Bina...

To you Maharaj
I ask for forgiveness

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I Love You?

When a lover thinks of his significant other
He does so without thinking
Nobody instructs the lover to fulfill such a duty
It happens so naturally

In love one shall lay the world at the other's feet
You shall overcome great boundaries to succeed
Their are two souls, yearning to reunite
With one heartbeat they become one

This is how I am meant to think of you Maharaj
So naturally
'Man Jithe Jag Jeet'
Just to reunite with you

But I shy away from you Maharaj
I take the easy route
I take the path of worldly love
But is that not love that you have blessed me with?

Monday, October 02, 2006

Saturday Night

To see the sangat
To be in your presence
To be so close
To listen to Acapella

I could not wipe the smile
So many smiling faces
Mum understood the importance of sangat
So many hours of pure bliss

Not many words exchanged
But so much was said
Just one look and I knew
This was where I belong.