Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
It turn to you Maharaj...
This is a time
A test from the Guru
You seem to use him to test
A tear slips from my eye
I am selfish
I always have been
I can't help it
He said you didn't love me?
That day will never be erased from my heart
You were the one I loved more then anyone
Now it is only Guru Ji
Your words still hurt me
Cut me like a knife
Heart shreds to pieces
I turn to you Maharaj
A test from the Guru
You seem to use him to test
A tear slips from my eye
I am selfish
I always have been
I can't help it
He said you didn't love me?

That day will never be erased from my heart
You were the one I loved more then anyone
Now it is only Guru Ji
Your words still hurt me
Cut me like a knife
Heart shreds to pieces
I turn to you Maharaj

Sunday, November 19, 2006
That sinking feeling
A beautiful Hukam today from Maharaj:
Those who serve the True Guru, O Beloved, their companions are saved as well. No one blocks their way, O Beloved, and the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is on their tongue.
Without the Fear of God, they are so heavy that they sink and drown, O Beloved; but the Lord, casting His Glance of Grace, carries them across. || 1 || I ever praise You, O Beloved, I ever sing Your Praises. Without the boat, one is drowned in the sea of fear, O Beloved; how can I reach the distant shore? || 1 || Pause ||
I feel so far from this shore Maharaj. In the last few days I had lost the fear of Maharaj. I have had this sinking feeling as I felt I had not communicated with Waheguru. Only Maharaj, himself knows what I mean of this distance. How do I attain such a level of the lover that never forgets his other half. Without thinking and without doing anything I want to think of you, I want to thank you with each and every breath. But why does it not happen to me? Why can I not get to such a stage? Why am I so distant from that shore?
I praise the Praiseworthy Lord, O Beloved; there is no other one to praise. Those who praise my God are good, O Beloved; they are imbued with the Word of the Shabad, and His Love. If I join them, O Beloved, I can churn the essence and so find joy. || 2 ||
I look up to those individuals that think of you night and day. I long to be like them. To be in their company is a blessing.
The gateway to honor is Truth, O Beloved; it bears the Insignia of the True Name of the Lord. We come into the world, and we depart, with our destiny written and pre-ordained, O Beloved; realize the Command of the Commander. Without the Guru, this Command is not understood, O Beloved; True is the Power of the True Lord. || 3 ||
Is this one lesson Maharaj is making clear? The path to Maharaj is truth. You live, speak and abide by the truth…Maharaj will be there…
By His Command, we are conceived, O Beloved, and by His Command, we grow in the womb. By His Command, we are born, O Beloved, head-first, and upside-down. The Gurmukh is honored in the Court of the Lord, O Beloved; he departs after resolving his affairs. || 4 ||

This weekend we had a new addition to our family. All weekend has been dedicated to this beautiful new soul. Maharaj reminds me that look how is born with hukam of Waheguru, head first and upside down. He has grown in the womb, just like us all. One day he will too depart. Do not waste your time here. Use it wisely. This life is way too short. I pray I make more active steps towards you Maharaj…
By His Command, one comes into the world, O Beloved, and by His Will, he goes. By His Will, some are bound and gagged and driven away, O Beloved; the self-willed manmukhs suffer their punishment. By His Command, the Word of the Shabad, is realized, O Beloved, and one goes to the Court of the Lord robed in honor. || 5 ||
By His Command, some accounts are accounted for, O Beloved; by His Command, some suffer in egotism and duality. By His Command, one wanders in reincarnation, O Beloved; deceived by sins and demerits, he cries out in his suffering. If he comes to realize the Command of the Lord's Will, O Beloved, then he is blessed with Truth and Honor. || 6 ||
Perhaps this is Hukam. The feelings I go through are all with his blessings. I need to accept Hukam. The One said accept this attachment. I need to accept the way things are and enjoy Waheguru’s game of love.

It is so difficult to speak it, O Beloved; how can we speak, and hear, the True Name? I am a sacrifice to those who praise the Lord, O Beloved. I have obtained the Name, and I am satisfied, O Beloved; by His Grace, I am united in His Union. || 7 ||
If my body were to become the paper, O Beloved, and my mind the inkpot; and if my tongue became the pen, O Beloved, I would write, and contemplate, the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. Blessed is that scribe, O Nanak, who writes the True Name, and enshrines it within his heart. || 8 || 3 ||
Those who serve the True Guru, O Beloved, their companions are saved as well. No one blocks their way, O Beloved, and the Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is on their tongue.
Without the Fear of God, they are so heavy that they sink and drown, O Beloved; but the Lord, casting His Glance of Grace, carries them across. || 1 || I ever praise You, O Beloved, I ever sing Your Praises. Without the boat, one is drowned in the sea of fear, O Beloved; how can I reach the distant shore? || 1 || Pause ||

I feel so far from this shore Maharaj. In the last few days I had lost the fear of Maharaj. I have had this sinking feeling as I felt I had not communicated with Waheguru. Only Maharaj, himself knows what I mean of this distance. How do I attain such a level of the lover that never forgets his other half. Without thinking and without doing anything I want to think of you, I want to thank you with each and every breath. But why does it not happen to me? Why can I not get to such a stage? Why am I so distant from that shore?
I praise the Praiseworthy Lord, O Beloved; there is no other one to praise. Those who praise my God are good, O Beloved; they are imbued with the Word of the Shabad, and His Love. If I join them, O Beloved, I can churn the essence and so find joy. || 2 ||
I look up to those individuals that think of you night and day. I long to be like them. To be in their company is a blessing.
The gateway to honor is Truth, O Beloved; it bears the Insignia of the True Name of the Lord. We come into the world, and we depart, with our destiny written and pre-ordained, O Beloved; realize the Command of the Commander. Without the Guru, this Command is not understood, O Beloved; True is the Power of the True Lord. || 3 ||
Is this one lesson Maharaj is making clear? The path to Maharaj is truth. You live, speak and abide by the truth…Maharaj will be there…
By His Command, we are conceived, O Beloved, and by His Command, we grow in the womb. By His Command, we are born, O Beloved, head-first, and upside-down. The Gurmukh is honored in the Court of the Lord, O Beloved; he departs after resolving his affairs. || 4 ||

This weekend we had a new addition to our family. All weekend has been dedicated to this beautiful new soul. Maharaj reminds me that look how is born with hukam of Waheguru, head first and upside down. He has grown in the womb, just like us all. One day he will too depart. Do not waste your time here. Use it wisely. This life is way too short. I pray I make more active steps towards you Maharaj…
By His Command, one comes into the world, O Beloved, and by His Will, he goes. By His Will, some are bound and gagged and driven away, O Beloved; the self-willed manmukhs suffer their punishment. By His Command, the Word of the Shabad, is realized, O Beloved, and one goes to the Court of the Lord robed in honor. || 5 ||
By His Command, some accounts are accounted for, O Beloved; by His Command, some suffer in egotism and duality. By His Command, one wanders in reincarnation, O Beloved; deceived by sins and demerits, he cries out in his suffering. If he comes to realize the Command of the Lord's Will, O Beloved, then he is blessed with Truth and Honor. || 6 ||
Perhaps this is Hukam. The feelings I go through are all with his blessings. I need to accept Hukam. The One said accept this attachment. I need to accept the way things are and enjoy Waheguru’s game of love.

It is so difficult to speak it, O Beloved; how can we speak, and hear, the True Name? I am a sacrifice to those who praise the Lord, O Beloved. I have obtained the Name, and I am satisfied, O Beloved; by His Grace, I am united in His Union. || 7 ||
If my body were to become the paper, O Beloved, and my mind the inkpot; and if my tongue became the pen, O Beloved, I would write, and contemplate, the Glorious Praises of the True Lord. Blessed is that scribe, O Nanak, who writes the True Name, and enshrines it within his heart. || 8 || 3 ||
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Love is your weakness
A fall out
A mis understanding
A mistake
I didn't think
The time apart I realised
My heart ached
I couldn't explain it
I didn't think

My eyes filled up
Tears of love
Tears of separation
I didn't think
One thing Maharaj has made clear
Friday night
Love is your strength
Love is your weakness
A mis understanding
A mistake
I didn't think
The time apart I realised
My heart ached
I couldn't explain it
I didn't think

My eyes filled up
Tears of love
Tears of separation
I didn't think
One thing Maharaj has made clear
Friday night
Love is your strength
Love is your weakness

Monday, November 06, 2006
Prayer for devotion
It is only through your kirpa
I bow to you
I awoke singing your praises
That longing is beautiful
I want to be absorbed in your name
I ask for forgiveness
I forget you so many times
Please encourage me to remember you
One sabad
One tune
I dedicate to you
Maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe ||
O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all.

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 4 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehla:
kalijug kaa dhharam kehahu thum bhaaee kiv shhootteh ham shhuttakaakee ||
Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?
How can I be set free? Free of Maya. Free of this world. Free of the worries of the world. I look at the work and worry so much. Even when I come home all I seem to think about is work. Even whilst studying I seem to think about the work. I seek emancipation...please show me how..
har har jap baerree har thulehaa har japiou tharai tharaakee ||1||
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||
Maharaj says remembering God is the way. It is so true. This morning I was in an amazing mood. I was thinking of my Waheguru. I had that beautiful sabad in my head 'maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe'. I was humming it and just made me feel so free. If I remembered Gurbani through out my day, how amazing will my limited days on this earth be?
har jee laaj rakhahu har jan kee ||
O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.
I bow to you and ask for one thing...may I remember through everything. Even the hectic working life.
har har japan japaavahu apanaa ham maagee bhagath eikaakee || rehaao ||
O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||
I beg this from you Maharaj.
har kae saevak sae har piaarae jin japiou har bachanaakee ||
The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.
How blessed are God's servants. To be in their presence is a true blessing.
laekhaa chithr gupath jo likhiaa sabh shhoottee jam kee baakee ||2||
The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||
I never knew this. I wonder what this means?
har kae sa(n)th japiou man har har lag sa(n)gath saadhh janaa kee ||
The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

dhineear soor thrisanaa agan bujhaanee siv chariou cha(n)dh cha(n)dhaakee ||3||
The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||
To the one. This is for us. Last night was a truthful night. So many truths were discussed. So many burning desires. See how we turned and looked to the moon? I saw the beautiful moon and you saw it too? What an amazing sight. Guru Ji is saying look how still and cool the moon is. Be like that. Be as cool and collected as the moon. Remember the desires will arise again. They have set for now but they will arise again, no doubt. But Guru Ji is saying don't worry I am with you.
thum vadd purakh vadd agam agochar thum aapae aap apaakee ||
You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.
To the one, this is what was discussed today. You explained how Maharaj created everything. Maharaj has re-iterated it today in this beautiful Hukamnama. This goes to show what we have is a blessing from Waheguru.
jan naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai kar dhaasan dhaas dhasaakee ||4||6||
O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||
It is only you
Who truly understands
Who truly knows me
Who talks to not me
Waheguru talks to my soul
I bow to you
I awoke singing your praises
That longing is beautiful
I want to be absorbed in your name
I ask for forgiveness
I forget you so many times
Please encourage me to remember you
One sabad
One tune
I dedicate to you
Maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe ||
O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all.

dhhanaasaree mehalaa 4 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fourth Mehla:
kalijug kaa dhharam kehahu thum bhaaee kiv shhootteh ham shhuttakaakee ||
Tell me, O Siblings of Destiny, the religion for this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. I seek emancipation - how can I be emancipated?
How can I be set free? Free of Maya. Free of this world. Free of the worries of the world. I look at the work and worry so much. Even when I come home all I seem to think about is work. Even whilst studying I seem to think about the work. I seek emancipation...please show me how..
har har jap baerree har thulehaa har japiou tharai tharaakee ||1||
Meditation on the Lord, Har, Har, is the boat, the raft; meditating on the Lord, the swimmer swims across. ||1||

Maharaj says remembering God is the way. It is so true. This morning I was in an amazing mood. I was thinking of my Waheguru. I had that beautiful sabad in my head 'maerae sathiguraa mai thujh bin avar n koe'. I was humming it and just made me feel so free. If I remembered Gurbani through out my day, how amazing will my limited days on this earth be?
har jee laaj rakhahu har jan kee ||
O Dear Lord, protect and preserve the honor of Your humble servant.
I bow to you and ask for one thing...may I remember through everything. Even the hectic working life.
har har japan japaavahu apanaa ham maagee bhagath eikaakee || rehaao ||
O Lord, Har, Har, please make me chant the chant of Your Name; I beg only for Your devotional worship. ||Pause||
I beg this from you Maharaj.
har kae saevak sae har piaarae jin japiou har bachanaakee ||
The Lord's servants are very dear to the Lord; they chant the Word of the Lord's Bani.
How blessed are God's servants. To be in their presence is a true blessing.
laekhaa chithr gupath jo likhiaa sabh shhoottee jam kee baakee ||2||
The account of the recording angels, Chitr and Gupt, and the account with the Messenger of Death is totally erased. ||2||
I never knew this. I wonder what this means?
har kae sa(n)th japiou man har har lag sa(n)gath saadhh janaa kee ||
The Saints of the Lord meditate on the Lord in their minds; they join the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

dhineear soor thrisanaa agan bujhaanee siv chariou cha(n)dh cha(n)dhaakee ||3||
The piercing sun of desires has set, and the cool moon has risen. ||3||
To the one. This is for us. Last night was a truthful night. So many truths were discussed. So many burning desires. See how we turned and looked to the moon? I saw the beautiful moon and you saw it too? What an amazing sight. Guru Ji is saying look how still and cool the moon is. Be like that. Be as cool and collected as the moon. Remember the desires will arise again. They have set for now but they will arise again, no doubt. But Guru Ji is saying don't worry I am with you.

thum vadd purakh vadd agam agochar thum aapae aap apaakee ||
You are the Greatest Being, absolutely unapproachable and unfathomable; You created the Universe from Your Own Being.
To the one, this is what was discussed today. You explained how Maharaj created everything. Maharaj has re-iterated it today in this beautiful Hukamnama. This goes to show what we have is a blessing from Waheguru.
jan naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai kar dhaasan dhaas dhasaakee ||4||6||
O God, take pity on servant Nanak, and make him the slave of the slave of Your slaves. ||4||6||
It is only you
Who truly understands
Who truly knows me
Who talks to not me
Waheguru talks to my soul
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Gurudwara Panja Sahib is situated at Hasan Abdal, 48 km from Rawalpindi in Pakistan. This is one of the most holy places of Sikhism because of the presence of a sacred rock with the hand print of Guru Nanak. Twice a year, Sikh and Hindu pilgrims visit this Gurdwara from all over the world.
Guru Nanak along with Bhai Mardana reached Hasan Abdal in Baisakh Samwat 1578 B.K. corresponding to 1521 A.D. in the summer season. Under a shady cool tree, Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana started reciting Kirtan and their devotees gathered around. This annoyed Wali Qandhari but he was helpless.

According to legend, Bhai Mardana was sent three times to Wali Qandhari so that he would provide him with some water to quench his thirst. Wali Qandhari refused his request and was rude to him. In spite of this, Mardana still very politely stuck to his demand. The Wali ironically remarked : Why don't you ask your Master whom you serve?
Mardana went back to the Guru in a miserable state and said "Oh lord ! I prefer death to thirst but will not approach Wali the egoist."
The Guru replied " Oh Bhai Mardana ! Repeat the Name of God, the Almighty; and drink the water to your heart's content."
The Guru put aside a big rock lying nearby and a pure fountain of water sprang up and began to flow endlessly. Bhai Mardana quenched his thirst and felt grateful to the Guru.
On the other hand, the fountain of Wali Qandhari dried up. On witnessing this, the Wali in his rage threw a part of a mountain towards the Guru from the top of the hill. The Guru stopped the hurled rock with his hand leaving his hand print in the rock.
Observing that miracle, Wali became the Guru's devotee.
Several attempts were made to deface the impression of the hand of the Guru but all to no avail and the mark remained ever since.

This holy and revered place is now known as Panja Sahib.
It is said that any persons hand will fit this print
Dear All,
May Akaal Purakh bless us with his kirpa on the Gurpurab of our Guru Nanak Dev Ji... Stay Chardi Kalla
Lots of Love
x x
Birth of Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Saturday, November 04, 2006
To meet Maharaj

I was listening to my brother Sukha Singh's keertan and katha vichaar. He talked about a very important issue. Along the lines of what I have been questioning in the last few days.
We have come onto this earth. Why? There has to be more than life then getting up going to work, eating, sleeping and waking up and doing it all again. We are here to meet our pyaarah. We are here to meet our beloved. Our pyaarah preetam. To meet Maharaj. To meet Waheguru. Otherwise we wil go through the 8.4m life forms. Who can guide us on this path? Who can help us along? Who has all the knowledge? Our Guru. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

We are here to be jot wich jot. To become one with Waheguru. How do we experience Waheguru? In his keertan by associating with those that are in love with God's name. I never knew the power of sangat until after I started going to Sikh Student Camp. Kaljug mein keertan pardana.
If we sit together with sangat and do about about how great he is...we break all restrictions...God lives in his sangat.

But Maharaj...I am so so scared. What if I don't meet you? What if I keep getting entangled with this world (as I have been doing so?)...How can i leave this earth without becoming one with you?

Why is love so difficult?
Why is separation so difficult?
Why can't my soul be with you?
Why is this life so difficult?
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
The Answer

What does Maharaj want from me; How do I make Maharaj happy?
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 749 soohee mehalaa 5 Soohee, Fifth Mehla: jis kae sir oopar thoo(n) suaamee so dhukh kaisaa paavai When You stand over our heads, O Lord and Master, how can we suffer in pain?
Right now by asking myself what does Maharaj want from me I am causing myself to suffer? I am allowing myself pain because I am labelling my relationship with Maharaj one of give and take. It’s about love. I was so blinded by this question I forgot the simplicity. It’s all about love. When a man truly loves a woman he just gives her love, all hius actions are out of pure love. Maharaj truly loves us and gives us exactly what we need. Maharaj does not want anything from us. He does not want anything from us. Does a mother want anything from her child?

bol n jaanai maaeiaa madh maathaa maranaa cheeth n aavai 1 The mortal being does not know how to chant Your Name - he is intoxicated with the wine of Maya, and the thought of death does not even enter his mind. 1
This is me…. I am a mortal…I do not know how to chant your name. I never think of death. I never think of that day. Instead all I know is to focus on Maharaj. I have never been scared of death. Life was blessed to me and death will be a blessing too. With Maharaj’s hukam it will happen one day. I am always entangling myself with worldly affairs and loose myself in Maya. I ask for your blessing and guidance.
maerae raam raae thoo(n) sa(n)thaa kaa sa(n)th thaerae O my Sovereign Lord, You belong to the Saints, and the Saints belong to You.
Like a mother belongs to her children and the children belong to the mother.
thaerae saevak ko bho kishh naahee jam nehee aavai naerae 1 rehaao Your servant is not afraid of anything; the Messenger of Death cannot even approach him. 1Pause
I am afraid of one thing. Loosing you. Loosing this feeling. Loosing this connection. Loosing you. I cannot LIVE without you Maharaj. This life is yours. This daughter belongs to you. I am scared of being far from you. I am afraid so one day the Messenger of Death will approach me and will he forever take me away from you? When he does my soul will not be able to take it Maharaj. I don’t think I could handle it. I close my eyes and do not want to think about such a thought. Please bless me. Bless me to be Nirbhau…bless me with your grace. Bless me to be attached to you…always
jo thaerai ra(n)g raathae suaamee thinh kaa janam maran dhukh naasaa Those who are attuned to Your Love, O my Lord and Master, are released from the pains of birth and death.
I smile and I thank you.
thaeree bakhas n maettai koee sathigur kaa dhilaasaa 2 No one can erase Your Blessings; the True Guru has given me this assurance. 2
This is amazingly true. This is SO SO TRUE. This Hukam was given when I was at the Gurdwara last night. This morning, I was driving in and talking to someone on the phone. We were discussing about the question (posed yesterday) and the phone cut off (bad reception). A blessing from Maharaj. As it cut off I turned up the radio. There was a beautiful shabad playing….this is what I heard:
'giaan dhhiaan kishh karam n jaanaa saar n jaanaa thaeree sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree'
Out of all the sabads that could have been playing, at that exact moment the HUKAM from Mahraj was playing! This ws the Hukam from last night. Maharaj was saying why are you worrying? He reminded me of his beautiful Hukam. This Hukam is so crucuail in my life as it was the same Hukam when I wore my first dastaar at Sikh Student Camp. He was saying what I was feeling. I was confused. I know noting of your wisdom. It is all about you Maharaj. It is all about you. You and your love.

naam dhhiaaein sukh fal paaein aat(h) pehar aaraadhhehi
Those who meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtain the fruits of peace. Twenty-four hours a day, they worship and adore You.
Imagine if I felt this all the time. 24/7 if I thought of you…if only that was the case. I wish I adored your greatness all the time. I ask for your grace. I ask and beg for your blessing.
thaeree saran thaerai bharavaasai pa(n)ch dhusatt lai saadhhehi
In Your Sanctuary, with Your Support, they subdue the five villains.
With you kirpa I can control my five evils. I can control Maya.
giaan dhhiaan kishh karam n jaanaa saar n jaanaa thaeree I know nothing about wisdom, meditation and good deeds; I know nothing about Your excellence.
sabh thae vaddaa sathigur naanak jin kal raakhee maeree 41057 Guru Nanak is the greatest of all; He saved my honor in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga. 41057
I bow my head to you Maharaj. I bow my head to you. Waheguru. What a beautiful journey of love. This love is immense. This love is Waheguru. You are the ultimate personification of love. If someone says what is love…only one word can answer this. Waheguru. Love is Waheguru.
Q: What is love?
A: Waheguru
Sabb Tey Vada Satgur Nanak Jin Kal Rakhi Meri
Gian Dhian Kichh Karam Na Jana
Sar Na Jana Teri
Sabb Tey Vada Satgur Nanak
Jin Kal Rakhi Meri
Sri Guru Granth Sahib (750)
I know no Gian (Divine Knowledge), Dhian (Meditation) and Karma philosophy (virtuous deeds). I do not know your true greatness. But I know one thing that my Satguru (True Guru) Nanak is the Greatest of all who has protected me in this Dark Age.

A true lover is not concerned with the intricacies of wisdom, of meditation, and subtleties of karma philosopy. He is not concerned with Gian Yoga, Dhian Yoga and Karma Yoga. Intense faith in the Supremacy of his beloved, Sri Guru Nanak Sahib Constitutes his true devotion. Love of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib is his Supreme devotion and concern. Grace and majesty of the Lord Guru Nanak reigns supreme in his humble heart. This is an earnest expression of his very soul, a deep prayer from his very heart to the Lotus Feet of his beloved Lord Guru Nanak. Having discarded all intellectualism, he has fallen head-long at the holy feet of Sri Guru Nanak Sahib.